標題: 以物件導向技術結合模擬與單元控制軟體之發展
The Combined Development of Simulation and Cell-Control Softwares through an Object-Oriented Technique
作者: 張和立
Ho-Li Chang
Ching-En Lee
關鍵字: 物件導向;模擬;單元控制;Object-Oriented;Simulation;Cell-Control
公開日期: 1992
摘要: 隨著消費型態的轉變,少量多樣的生產型態逐漸成為製造業主要的趨勢。 而彈性製造系統獨特的生產規劃方式正好可以迎合這種趨勢,乃逐漸成為 製造業者生產競爭的利器。但由於彈性製造系統需求彈性及複雜的特性, 使得在這樣的環境下計劃、管理與控制是一件相當困難的事。尤以控制軟 體的發展為最,造成控制軟體的發展成為彈性製造系統設計與實施上的一 個重大瓶頸。因此本研究擬藉由提出一結合模擬與單元控制軟體發展的構 建方法論,以縮短單元控制軟體發展所需的時間,並間接地提高軟體發展 的品質。在結合方法論中,首先透過使用物件導向的模式化方法,重複使 用模擬模式於單元控制軟體的構建與發展上;並藉由建立可重複使用的類 別庫,以分別提供模擬與控制模式的使用或不同應用目的之模擬與控制計 劃的使用。如此將模擬軟體的發展與控制軟體的發展結合在一起,減少兩 者之間發展的隔閡,並提昇了控制軟體發展的品質,也縮短單元控制軟體 發展的時間。在論文的最後,吾人則選擇物件導向式語言 Smalltalk/V Windows做為系統實作的語言,並在一部個人電腦上模擬與執行,以做為 結合方法論驗證之用。 A good control system plays a key role in the successful implementation of an FMS. The development of control programs is a time consuming and difficult task. The simulation, on the other hand, is one of the most important tools in the design of an FMS. A number of simulation models are needed to be built and run in order to come up with a reliable system design. Knowledge, experience, and logics in constructing simulation models are valuable to the analysis and development of control programs. However, the construction simulation models and the coding ontrol programs are usually handled by different engineering groups. Little connection has been made between simulation and control. This thesis presents an object-oriented approach to bind the development of simulation models and control programs together. An object-oriented simulation class library is constructed first. The class library is then resused in the cell control programs directly so that the quality of control programs can be raised and the time and the bugs in the development of control programs can be drastically reduced.
Appears in Collections:Thesis