標題: 新進員工求職行為、工作滿足與離職傾向之關聯性探討—以會計師事務所為研究對象
A Study of The Relationships among Job Search Behavior,Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention to New Employees in CPA Firms
作者: 吳育任
Wu Yu-Jen
Pao-Long Chang
關鍵字: 求職行為;工作滿足;離職傾向;Job search behavior;Job satisfaction;Turnover intention
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 在任何行業裡頭,人是企業經營成功的關鍵因素,也是企業最寶貴的資產。員工流動率過高的話,將會對組織造成不良影響與資源浪費。會計師事務所長久以來一直面臨過高的人員流動率的問題,在面臨如此情況下,必須在人力資源政策上有所因應,才能使公司永續經營。而在與離職有關的諸多因素中,工作滿足是相當關鍵的一個因素。此外由於過去人力資源管理方面的研究對於員工進入組織前的因素探討的不多,因此本研究加入員工進入組織前之求職行為,作為另一探討的變項。 本研究則是在探討會計師事務所新進員工之求職行為、工作滿足與離職傾向之關聯性,以提供事務所在未來提高員工工作滿足,降低員工離職傾向,減少人員流動率的管理參考。在研究變項中,求職行為是以使用的資訊來源與求職強度來衡量,工作滿足則是以整體滿足來衡量,離職傾向則是以Chen等學者之量表來衡量。樣本選取則是以國內兩大會計師事務所之新進員工為研究對象。而研究分析結果指出,事務所新進員工之求職行為對其工作滿足是有影響的:使用的非正式資訊來源越多,則工作滿足的程度越大;而求職強度越強者,其工作滿足程度越大。而求職行為對離職傾向也是有影響的:求職時使用的非正式資訊來源越多,則離職傾向的程度越低;而求職強度越強者,其離職傾向程度越低。工作滿足與離職傾向間的關係則與過去研究一致,呈顯著的負相關。 而在建議方面,本研究建議求職者在求職時應該花更多的時間與努力在求職的活動上,積極的投入求職過程,以對未來從事之工作有較清楚的了解與認識,在進入公司後能有較佳的工作態度與工作表現。而在企業方面,公司應該盡量提供全面的工作資訊給潛在員工,使其在求職時能蒐集到更多完整且真實的資料,使其能尋得符合自己所需的工作,在工作上能有較好的表現,以使雙方能夠雙贏。
In any industry, humans is the critical factor for operating a successful business, and be the most precious property in a business. It would make bad effect and waste resources for organizations if employees` turnover rates being much higher. There is much higher turnover rate in the CPA firms for a long time. In such condition, it must have changes in human resource policies to keep the business operating continuously. Among many factors about employees leaving their jobs, job satisfaction is a quite important factor. In addition, there are not much researchs about the factors before the employees entering a business in human resource management researchs. Therefore, we add the job search behavior for another research focal point. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among job search behavior, job satisfaction and turnover intention to new employees in CPA firms to provide referral for CPA firms about raising employees` job satisfaction degrees and lowering their turnover intention. About research variables, we use job information resources and job search intensity to measure the construct of job search behavior; and we use general satisfaction to measure the construct of job satisfaction; at last, we use the measurement developed by Chen et al. to measure the construct of turnover intention. We were sampling from two CPA firms and using the employees for our research samples. The result indicates that the job search behaviors of new employees in CPA firms affect their job satisfaction degree: when they use more informal sources, they have much higher job satisfaction degrees. And the employees who have great job search intensity have much higher job satisfaction degrees. It also shows that job search behaviors affect the employees` turnover intention: when they use more informal sources, they have much lower turnover intention; and the employees who have great job search intensity have much lower turnover intention. The relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention indicates that they were negative correlation, and the result agrees with past studies. And at last , we proposed that the job seekers should spend more time and more effort when they were finding jobs, to get more informations about future works to have better work attitudes and job performances when they entered the company. In industry, the company should supply overall job informations to the potential employees as possible as they can. In this way, potential employees would collect more complete and true informations to find suitable jobs to have better performance in their work.


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