標題: 土地使用型態與地區停車需求之研究
A Research of Land-Use Pattern and Parking Request, Case of Tu- Chen City
作者: 謝國松
Hsieh, Kou-Song
關鍵字: 土地使用;停車需求;Land-Use Pattern;Parking Request
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 二十世紀以來,由於文明的成長與經濟復甦之情形,人們對於所賴以 完成活動的私人運具之需求與日俱增,無可諱言的,小汽車的持有率愈高 ,則停車的問題也就相對愈形嚴重,停車需求量之多寡取決於數個因素: 停車供給可及性程度、土地使用種類、土地使用強度、土地使用區位。換 言之,必須要對於整體的停車問題、條件與狀況作一全盤性的考量。 由於停車問題係屬於一種有限資源用以面對各種不同需求的考量,是以, 針對這樣的特性,本研究將就以下的主題加以探討: 1.影響停車需求量 之因素 2.現有法規對於停車供給空間設置之檢討 3.土地使用特性之分 析與相關影響停車需求特性之研究 慮及本文對於停車需求模式之驗證 ,將先對於選定研究區域內之各項實際資料予以調查蒐集,再建立資料庫 以便於各個相關模式間之處理,藉逐步回歸分析之方式,篩選土地使用特 性當中之各個主要影響停車需求量之變數加以探討。 Owing to the development of civilization and effect of recovery through 20th century,people enlarge their need of private cars on the road.It goes without saying that the more vechiles people have,the more serious parking problems we may see. The request of parking is influenced by the availability,the type of land-use ,the degree of land- use intensity,and the location of land-use around each station.A thorough understanding of parking condition is essential to a comprehensive parking strategy. By the way,notable changes affecting parking have occurred during the past decades,changes that affect the actual provision of parking space and changes that have caused parking to become a greater leveraging tool in helping to achieve the government objectives.Since parking is a limited resource intended to meet diverse needs, this study examines these topics: method to control parking supply;parking law enforcement and adjudication; land-use influence to parking demands. Condidering about the land-use pattern and topical parking- request , the study included field surveys,data base design and development, and assessment of the capacity needs at each land-use station. With the data collected above,this study use a method of regression step by step to find the relationship between land-use pattern and topical parking-request and how they affect each other during the feedback.
Appears in Collections:Thesis