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dc.contributor.authorHo, Cheng-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorYu, Hsiao-Chengen_US
dc.description.abstract目前在國內外行動電話均已蔚成一股熱潮,本研究探討國內正開放民營的數位式GSM行動電話系統,分析行動電話的市場狀況與競爭技術、未來個人通訊服務的系統與標準、我國無線通訊發展的環境與法規,並據此提出行動通訊的發展趨勢與我國發展行動通訊之策略建議。 本研究歸納未來行動通訊發展趨勢如下: 1.世界各地區均往個人通訊服務之理想目標邁進。 2.為達到無線電頻譜之有效利用與管理,將進行頻譜統一規畫,並增加行動通訊頻道之指配。 3.數位化技術將取代傳統的類比技術,以提升系統容量、通訊品質。不論人口密度與涵蓋地區之所在,均能提供兼具語音及數據之通訊服務。 4.智慧型網路與衛星通訊,必在未來行動通訊領域扮演著重要的角色。 5.提供雙模式(Dual Mode)或多模式服務運作,以提升行動通訊服務功能,並結合各類不同行動通訊系統之優點。 我國發展行動通訊之策略建議: 1.積極培訓無線通訊人才,以因應產業迫切的需求。 2.在國內市場發展脈動下,剖析我國無線通訊的競爭條件,選擇有能力生產之利基產品,配合通訊服務之開放。 3.由於無線通訊產品之成本乃取決於其關鍵零組件,因此關鍵性零組件的自主開發,應列為重要發展項目,尤其是基頻技術與晶片組開發技術。 4.FCC在美國發展個人通訊服務扮演著主導的角色,希望未來我國制訂個人通訊服務發展政策時,電信總局也能秉持前瞻及公正的原則。 5.未來我國可仿效美國的頻譜拍賣方式,以決定行動通訊服務經營權歸屬;並且保留部份頻段給國內小型業者,以保障其參與競爭之機會;至於所採用之系統標準,則由業者自行決定,以免阻礙通訊技術之進步。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe demand for mobile communications is emerging all over the world. The purpose of this research is to explore the GSM mobile telephone system, including its market trends, technology trend, systems, standards and policy alternatives. This research summarized the following mobile communications development trends: 1. Personal communications service (PCS) is the eventual goal. 2. More frequency spectrum will be allocated for mobile communications services. 3. Digital technology will replace analog technology in order to increase system capacity and improve communication quality. 4. Intelligent network and satellite communications technologies will play important roles in support of future mobile communications services. 5. Dual mode service operation can benefit from the advantages of both systems. This research made the following recommendations for the development of mobile communications in Taiwan: 1. Enhancing wireless communications training is essential. 2. Find out the niche of our domestic telecommunications industry, and deploy mobile communication services accordingly. 3. Increase R&D on the development of key components, especially the base-band technology and the RF chipset technology. 4. Taiwan DOT should base on principles of forward looking and fairness in setting up our mobile communications policies. 5. Taiwan Could adopt the auction policy in dealing with spectrum assignment. However, special care must be exercised to reserve channels for entrepreneurs. The choices of PCS systems or technologies can be left to the system operators.en_US
dc.titleA Study on the Development on GSM in Taiwanen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis