標題: 第四象線
The 4th Axis
作者: 郭家均
Chia-Chun Kuo
Yu-Tung Liu
關鍵字: 第四象線;The 4th Axis
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 第四象線是以六個「再」設計的作品,來表現時間在空間設計中和身體、事件、物件及情感的互動經驗。當身體的經驗無法再次重現,將透過觀察物事物╱事件,做出某種結論,將此結論做出某種不同程度的重現,是一種對最初觀察後的再現過程。 天空之城-太空調節氣囊 空間和身體間的相對關係不斷在改變,透過無重力的太空調節氣囊,深刻紀錄這種互動的軌跡,另一種新的記憶經驗空間在未來30年。 烏托邦-重構理想國 想像構成了身體的空間經驗,也給予人無遠弗屆的太空漫遊慾望,存在心中的理想國是否是永遠到不了的烏托邦﹖ 重塑台灣-辦桌 事件包含空間和時間的過程,辦桌傳承了台灣原有人情味和慶典熱鬧的文化,在外燴文化的演進下,利用新的組織構件重塑辦桌場域。 竹東鎮集體記憶巨蛋 在亞泥場的再造計劃中,觀光娛樂的巨蛋圓倉不僅是經驗的乳牛牧場,穹窿的鎮民生日年曆時鐘和纜車的記憶盒,都是無法取代的集體記憶。 新竹海軍第六燃料槽眷村再造計劃-旗袍眷村 土地刻畫著居住者搬遷的痕跡,歷經日據時期、眷村違建到新政府拆遷後的三個時期,眷村是台灣這塊土地的見證者。 綠建築之穿流茶屋 穿流的空間設計flow-through是由一層秩序穿越到其他秩序,能由平面到立面,又能回到這些隨機的狀況。水循環主體貫穿Teahouse的空間經驗,透過不同機能的空間配置和活動行為,使得自然環境和活動事件達到循環平衡。
Abstract With six ‘Re-‘ designs, “The 4th Axis” represents the experiences of emotional interaction between the bodies, events and objects those strongly and lively exist beyond the time line. Once the experience could not be cloned, it assumes by gazing objects and its events. The different representations of assume would be a serial observation to the relationship of space and time. Recalling__A.D.2033 Promised Sky Land Jack and The Beanstalk The relationship between the space and body changes consistently. Space conditioner air-bag has been deeply tracking this interaction along way to the next 30 years. Reorder __Utopia Vision of ReorderA.D.2053 Our imagination constructs the experience in space and grows the desire traveling to the universal. Do the ideal homes in our mind be able compared with Utopia? Remaking __Taiwan. Banquets Catering An event includes the space and the process. Holding the banquet outside keeps the nature of friendliness bustling celebration tradition of Taiwanese. The evolution of holding banquet outside represents the field of this activity by hi-tech organized components. Recreation __ The Memory of The Egg A.D.2008 In the project of recreate Asia Cement Plant, Entertaining Big-Egg is not only the pasture of cows but also the memorial hall for the local villagers collective memory, the cable cars, harvesting, growing, disasters, that spent all of their lives. Reveal __Family Dependant Community of the Cheongsam A.D.2007 The tracks of the dwellers sculptured on this area. It constructed when Japanese rule this land. The military immigration from China took and rebuilt this place as their beloved slums. The new government decided to move them and offspring away and retrieve this land. The legend of these soldiers and the stories of their children will be taught by people in Taiwan forever. Recycle __ flow-through. Water Cycle of The Teahouse Flow-through design of space covers the order by order. The form could be 2-D or 3-D, sometimes exists by random. The main concept of water cycle tells the experience in Teahouse. The natural environment and the activities become equilibrium through diversified deployments of space and active behaviors.


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