DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract本研究主要在設計與發展一套適合中學生(包含國中與高中)的「資訊安全」課程。近年來隨著網路與資訊科技的發達,與資訊安全有關的議題也不斷衍生,因此本研究者認為凡涉及與資訊有關的安全防護或傷害,都可將其歸於資訊安全所探討的議題中。 根據文獻分析的結果,研究者認為資訊安全的課程內容至少應包含三個面向,分別為「電腦網路與通訊安全」、「資訊的正確與合宜性」以及「使用者的人身安全」等三部分,前者包含了如電腦病毒、駭客相關資訊,另一則包含網路謠言與垃圾郵件,後者涵蓋了使用電腦的安全須知等內容,此外,在教學設計方面,採系統化教學設計,以達成課程的教學目標。 藉由教師深度訪談、國高中電腦課本內容分析以及對學生資訊安全概念與態度上的調查,瞭解資訊安全課程的需要性與應包含教學項目、適合的教學活動,同時也對學生的起點能力有基本的瞭解。本研究將資訊安全課程規劃為四個單元,分別是「網路安全e起來」、「電腦健康百分百」、「網路逍遙遊」以及「個人資料不漏白」,在所設計之「資訊安全教學單元」中,包含教學流程、教學活動以及參考資料等,提供教師作為資訊安全課程教學上的參考。 研究者並根據此份「資訊安全教學指引」,實際到新竹建功國中國一的兩個班級及台北市大同高中的高一某班試教,課後並就教學內容、作業評量和對學生的影響方面,請同學填寫問卷。 由資料的分析結果顯示,本教材在內容豐富度、組織性和帶給學生的收穫方面,普遍獲得學生肯定。除了請學生做課後評估之外,本研究亦請在學科內容以及教學設計方面的專家就「課程規劃」、「課程目標」和「課程內容」、「教學」及「評量實施」等方面做專家評鑑,整體說來,受訪的專家教師多認為整份教學指 引內容豐富,教學方式多元,很能引起學生學習興趣。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this study was to design and develop an information safety curriculum for Taiwan junior and senior high school students. With the development of Internet and information technology, issues related to information safety have been growing fast in recent years. The concept of information safety is defined by this study as “any protection and damage related with information should be included within information safety topic.” According to reviewed literature, the information safety curriculum should have three parts. The first is “Internet and Communication Safety”, including computer virus, hacker and so on. The second one is “Correctness and Appropriateness of Information”, including Internet rumor and spam. The last one is “Body Safety of Users”, covering safety guidelines for using computers. The curriculum of the presented study was developed based on Dick & Carey’s “Systematic Instructional Design” model to reach the instructional target. In order to analyze the needs, learning contents, and related activities to be covered in the curriculum, the researcher used multiple methods: conducting in-depth interviews with representative teachers, analyzing the content of high school computer textbooks, and surveying students on their existing knowledge and attitudes of information safety. The resulting curriculum was divided into four units: (1) Network safety together, (2) Healthy computer-using habits, (3) Surfing the Internet, and (4) Keep your secrets online. This study designed an “Information Safety Teaching Guide (ISTG)” which covered the teaching flows, lesson plans, learning resources, and references. This study also conducted a formative evaluation of the ISTG. Four units based on the ISTG were actually taught to two high school classes. Students’ opinions toward the curriculum content, homework and the learning experiences were collected and analyzed. The results showed that most students considered these units rich and well structured, and they felt they did learn some new and useful information. In addition, the experts of content and instructional design were invited to evaluate five dimensions of the curriculum: (1) instructional design, (2) curriculum target, (3) learning contents, (4) pedagogies, and (5) evaluation. Basically, most of the experts thought that the curriculum was versatile in activities and abundant in information, and could arouse students’ interests effectively. Recommendations for future studies were also provided.en_US
dc.subjectinformation safetyen_US
dc.subjectTaiwan high school studentsen_US
dc.subjectcurriculum designen_US
dc.titleThe Design and Development of Information Safety Curriculumen_US


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