DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorCHANG, HUA-CHENen_US
dc.contributor.author陳武正, 賀陳旦en_US
dc.contributor.authorWu-Cheng ch'en, Ch'en-tan Hoen_US
dc.description.abstract公車專用車道的設置,一方面可節省公車行駛時間,改善公車營運環境及 體質,增進大眾運輸機能,另一方面可透過專用路權改善各運具間行車秩 序及簡化車流,進而提高道路服務功能,抒解都市交通擁擠。本研究內容 主要以二部分做績效評估,第一部分為有關道路運作項目之績效評估,得 知台北市實施公車專用車道,透過專用路權改善行車秩序及簡化車流績效 卓著,因同質性車輛行駛同一車道使車速趨於一致,除增加各類運具行車 速率外,並提高道路服務能量,另一方面亦降低了路段中車輛擦撞情形, 使安全性獲得提昇,整體交通狀況已獲得改善。第二部分為民眾切身感受 認知之績效評估,得知公車乘客、汽、機車駕駛、沿線商店及公司行號對 實施公車專用車道支持度約介於70%∼90%之間;實施滿意度方面,除商 店及公司行號因路邊停車、裝卸貨較不方便致滿意度較低外,其餘族群滿 意度約介於60%∼75%之間,輔以各項評估指標之感受程度結果,顯示實 施公車專用車道對道路直接使用者產生了不同程度之效益。以社會整體角 度言,台北市公車專用車道實施可稱得上十分成功並獲得民眾普遍支持。 台北市八條公車專用車道所構成之路網實施迄今約十個月,隨著實施績效 日益呈現,民眾支持度亦隨之上升,在民意熱烈迴響下,充分發揮既有公 車專用車道路網功能或繼續擴展勢不可避免,故現階段最重要的即是檢討 過去之實施經驗、去蕪存菁,以期能創造更佳之運輸系統績效。 Installing special bus lanes can save the travel time, ameliorate the operation environment, and promote the use of mass transportation. Furthermore, through the special right of way, the traffic flow is improved and simplified. Therefore, the level of service will be enhanced. At the same time of such installation, traffic congestion will be relievedThis research is divided into two parts to evaluate the performance. First part is to evaluate the performance of the operation items of roads. We know that special bus lanes in Taipei improve the traffic condition, because vehicles with the Same characters travel on the same lane car make the speed almost identically. Beside increasing the speed of all kinds of modals and the level of service, traffic accident rate is lowered. The overall condition of traffic has improved. Second part is to evaluate the perception of passengers. We know from early study that the supporting rate of special bus lanes by bus passengers, car drivers, motorcycle riders, stores on the roadside, and companies is between 70% to 90%. The satisfaction rate is between 60% to 75%, for the other group such as the stores and companies since parking at the roadside and 1oading, and unloading goods have became not as convenient as before. Together with the other indexes, the special bus lanes prove to bring positive result to all users even though the level of impact varies. From the whole society's point of view, the special bus lanes in Taipei are very successful and supported by most people.The network created by eight special bus lanes in Taipei has been in operation for ten months. With efficiency on the rise, the support by people will increase. Under this situation, the elaboration and expansion of bus lanes network are inevitable. In this period, the most important thing is to learn from past experience, and keep the good points to develop a better transportation system.zh_TW
dc.titleThe performance of Bus Lanes in Taipeien_US