標題: 輕軌運輸系統與公車專用道成本及績效之比較研究
A Comparison of Cost Performance for Light Rail Transit and Exclusive Bus Lane
作者: 楊士弘
Shih-Hung Yang
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: 輕軌運輸系統;公車專用道;建造成本;營運成本;績效;light rail transit;exclusive bus lane;construction cost;operation coat;performance
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 本研究希望由成本項目及績效項目進行完整之比較,使大家對兩種系統之優劣有一全面性之瞭解。本研究先由系統特性及操作特性推估投入及產出量,代入合理之單價求得輕軌運輸系統之建造成本及營運成本,並與台北市聯營公車之營運資料比較。績效方面,則以國內外實施之經驗,比較輕軌運輸系統與公車專用道對使用者、非使用者之影響。最後並從業者、政府、系統整體觀點來比較這兩種運具之適用性。 結果顯示,從業者觀點來看,輕軌運輸系統之每公里造價約從新台幣5.7億到10.9億之間;而公車專用道無須負擔建造成本,又有降低營運成本、提高營收之好處,公車專用道勢必較受到業者支持。而從政府觀點來看,輕軌運輸系統雖可改善大眾運輸服務、空氣污染,但也可能使道路交通惡化、破壞景觀,且投資成本高昂。反觀公車專用道,政府僅需負擔相對低廉許多之成本,又有提高公車服務水準、改善道路交通之好處,政府必然樂於推動公車專用道。從系統整體觀點來看,輕軌運輸系統在運量大於8550人/小時時,其人公里成本將比公車系統低,顯示輕軌運輸系統於此狀況較為適用;在績效方面,輕軌運輸系統之服務水準高,運能及服務速率皆較公車專用道高,且可改善空氣污染;公車專用道效益僅為現況之改善,對長久之大眾運輸服務水準、空氣品質並無明顯成效。從社會整體觀點來看,推動輕軌運輸系統才是長久之計。
The research is aimed to compare light rail transit and exclusive bus lane based on two items, the cost and the performance. The systematic and operational characteristics in running a light rail transit is taken into account in estimating the input and output quantity of the system. Reasonable cost per unit is substituted for such purpose to get the construction and operation cost of the system. The finding is then compared with Taipei Bus Routes' existing operational costs.On the performance aspect, the research attempts to evaluate the impacts that both transportation modes could have on its respective users and non-users, based on information obtained from the actual application of the two systems in both the domestic and international regions.Finally, the research compares the applicability of light rail transit and exclusive bus lane from the point of views of operator, the government and the whole system. Operators are found to support the exclusive bus lane, which has a lower cost per kilometer compared with the light rail. It's noted that bus lanes incur no additional construction costs for bus operators, but could lower the operational costs of bus systems, hence generating more revenues for the operators.Similar results were found when evaluating from the point of view of the government. Light rail transit, though might help to improve public transport service and cut down air pollution, poses the threat of worsening existing road traffic and spoiling the city image. On top of that, the construction cost for light rail transit is relatively higher than that of the exclusive bus lane, which could help upgrade existing bus service level and improve road traffic on the whole. Hence, the government will favor the bus lane over the light rail.From the overall point of view of the whole system, light rail transit is preferred to exclusive bus lane when the transit volume exceeds 8,550 passengers per direction per hour, with the passenger-kilometer cost of light rail transit found lower than the exclusive bus lane's.On the performance aspect, light rail transit beats exclusive bus lane in terms of service level, transportation capacity, and operating speed, besides improving the air quality. The conclusion is that exclusive bus lane will only provide short-term solution to existing traffic problems, but could not improve the public transportation service and air quality in the long run. Therefore, from the overall point of view of our society, construction of light rail transit is more beneficial plan in the long run.