Title: 國家創新體系對台灣發展生物晶片產業之影響
The Effects of National Innovation System on the Development of Biochip Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 劉思菁
Liu Szu-Ching
Dr.Jen-Hung Huang
Keywords: 生物晶片;國家創新體系;層級分析法;Bio Chip;National Innovation System;AHP
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 生物晶片挾帶著精確、快速、大量平行的檢驗功能,以及廣泛應用於多元領域的能力,促使各科技先進國家紛紛視其為跨世紀的黃金產業,並投下不計其數的資源與能量企圖在如火如荼的競爭中嶄露頭角。本研究的目的便是在國家創新體系的互動機制下試圖找出生物晶片產業能在台灣深根茁壯的最佳模式與利基所在,期待作為產、官、學、研各界在發展生物晶片產業運籌帷幄的參考依據。研究重心是透過各界專家深入訪談、分析探討產業相關文獻、資料、時事資訊等,歸納彙整出國家創新體系中各子體系中對產業發展具貢獻、影響程度相當的因子,經由定量分析(層級分析AHP法)的運算,排序出執行策略方案的輕重緩急。再就研究結果,依循波特的國家競爭力鑽石結構理論提出積極建設性的建言。

Biochip with the capability of precisely、promptly and massively parallelized examining function meets the needs of the life science researches, diagnostic, pharmaceutical , medical paradigms and so on. Therefore, countries all over the world have considered it as a star industry, and put countless resources to promote biochip industry. The purpose of this study is to find out the optimal model and niche to expand biochip industry with national innovation system in Taiwan. After going through knowledge collection by interviewing experts, and studying references , news and real time information, this study concludes various factors from NIS’s (National Innovation System) subsystems that might influence the performance of promoting biochip industry, then using the AHP-(Analysis Hierarchy Process) method to execute pairwise comparisons in order to find the priority of various strategies. According to the results of the AHP method, the research proposes strategic options by using “Diamond Model” from Michael Porter(1990)
The outcomes of AHP analysis are as follows:the research institutes(AHP weight is 0.2495),the government system(AHP weight is 0.2094),the industry cluster(AHP weight is 0.2062),the investment funds(AHP weight is 0.1711) and the educational academy(AHP weight is 0.1649). The result verified the characteristics of biochip industry which makes researches institutes from NIS become the most important factor to transfer knowledge and technologies. The assistance of government is the secondly important factor, as many researches showed, a nation has become the home base for successful international competitors in an industry, so the government must well use the policy tools to enhance Taiwan biochip industry’s competitive advantages. For our results, even the academy is not the most important factor, but it has the function that provides valuable manpower, therefore, it should not be neglected.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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