標題: 一個ISO-9000標準認證作業程序之電腦輔助環境
A Computer-Aided Environment for ISO-9000 Standards Certification
作者: 蔡慶鴻
Tsai, Ching-Hong
Wang Feng-Jian
關鍵字: ISO-9000認證;軟體流程定義;品質系統;軟體流程環境;網路集中計算環境;ISO-9000 certification;software process modeling;software process engineering environment;quality system;network centric computing
公開日期: 1997
摘要: ISO-9000系列標準已成了全世界工業界認定的國際品質系統標準。獲得 ISO-9000標準認證,除了可以提高一組織競爭能力與商機之獲得外,重要 的是讓一組織建立正規的流程定義,以提供一套基礎的品質系統,使組織 能持續改善其流程,進而改善組織內部之作業效率,增進生產力,與降低 成本。 目前,並沒有應用軟體可以用來設計,建立或維護ISO-9000的品 質系統。現有的一些應用軟體只能自動化品質系統的某些方面,例如,文 件管理系統,流程控制,或追蹤進度等。本篇論文在軟體流程環境SPEE( Software Process Engineering Environment)的基礎之上,整合必需的 工具,並利用網路集中計算環境(NetworkCentric Computing)的觀念,在 網際網路(Internet)上建構一套ISO-9000認證輔助環境,稱為ISOCARE( ISO-9000 Certification Aided enviRonmEnt),用以支援我們所提出的 一套利用流程技術輔助軟體組織獲得ISO-9000認證的方法--PROP-ISO( PROcess suPporting ISO-9000 certification)。 ISO-9000 series standards have been accepted as standards of internationalquality system in industries worldwide. Obtaining ISO-9000 certification, organizations can promote in competitive ability and increase businessopportunities. More significantly, organizations can build formal processdefinitions to supply quality systems, which make the organization continuouslyimprove their processes, increase efficiency and productivity, and decreasecosts. There is no application software used currently to fully design, build andmaintain quality system complied with ISO-9000. Existing application softwarecan only automate some aspects of quality system, such as document management,process control, and gradation tracing. This paper presents the ISO- CARE(ISO-9000 Certification Aided enviRonmEnt) that is based on SPEE (SoftwareProcess Engineering Environment) and built over NCC (Network Centric Computing)model. ISO-CARE integrates sets of aided tools to support PROP-ISO (ProcessSupporting ISO 9000 certification), our methodology based on process technologyand proposed to help organizations to obtain ISO-9000 certification.
Appears in Collections:Thesis