标题: 矽-旋转式涂布玻璃-矽的阳极键结技术在微机电系统上的应用
Silicon-SOG-Silicon Anodic Bonding Technology for MEMS Application
作者: 罗元一
Lo, Yan-Yi
Shiau, Shing-Ren
Chang, Kow-Ming
关键字: 阳极键结技术;微机电系统
公开日期: 1997
摘要: 以溅镀沈积的硼矽玻璃薄膜为中间层的矽-矽阳极键结技术,在微机电系统上的应用是相当具有潜力的制程。其优点在于制程相较于Pyrex玻璃-矽的阳极技术更为可靠性与适应性。然而此一硼玻璃易在薄膜表面形成硼酸,以导致键结不易或是需在更高的操作温度下才能得到较佳的键结效果;同时,耗时而且较低的溅镀薄膜沈积速率与溅镀薄膜组成不易控制都是制程上的问题。
在本篇论文尝试以旋转式涂布法来制备适膈于矽-矽阳极键结枝术的玻璃薄膜。在制程中液态的sol溶液是以旋转涂布的方式来应用。溶液是混合有机矽化物而成,其中包含:TEOS(Tetraethy1 orthosilicate)、MTEOS(Methytriethy1 orthosilicate)与钠盐都溶于乙醇溶剂中。经由小心的热处理后,薄膜具有含量约5%的氧化钠以及每次旋转涂布可获得约100~300nm薄膜厚度。在本篇论文中成功的在350℃的低温下完成矽-矽阳极键结的制程;同时,在400℃160V下可以得在最佳的键结强度5.86MPa。
Silicon to silicon anodic bonding by use of sputter deposited borosilicate film is a promising mounting method for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).The advantages of the silicon to silicon anodic bonding were like its reliability and flexibility in contrast to the wide use of anodic bonding with Pyrex glass substrates. Boron glass has a strong tendency to form born acid. on the surface that makes bonding impossible or with a high process temperature for safe bonding. Also, the low deposition rates sputtering of glass layers is time consuming and difficult to control the composition of the sputtered glass layers ect.
In this thesis, we present the preparation of glass layers that were suitable for the anodic bonding of two silicon substrates using spin on glass. In this process a liquid sol solution is used within a spin coating process. The solution is a mixture based on organic silicon containing compounds, like TEOS (Tetremethy1 orthodilicate), and a sodium salt all dissolved in ethanol. After a careful thermal treatment, silica film containing about 5% wt. Na2O can be obtained with a thickness in the range from 100nm to 300nm is one deposition step. Anodic bonding of two silicon substrates is possible with films at bonding temperature 350℃ and the optimized bonding strength is 5.86 MPa for applied voltage 160V at 400℃.