Title: | 晶圓廠機台控制界面程式模組化構建之研究 The Construction of Modularized Machine Interface and Emulator for a Wafer Fab |
Authors: | 吳成堯 Cheng-Eou Wu 彭德保 Der-Baau Perng 工業工程與管理學系 |
Keywords: | 機台控制界面程式;模組化與結構化設計;machine interface;reconfigurable and structured function |
Issue Date: | 1998 |
Abstract: | 半導體產業在變遷迅速與競爭激烈的前提下,如何將製造控制環境最佳化是相當重要的目標,而主要的關鍵在於機台的利用與管理;目前國內晶圓廠在機台控制技術方面已有相當成熟的發展,但對於其機台控制界面程式的建構方面,仍需花費相當的人力與時間。在另一方面,由於晶圓廠設備技術的提升以及複雜度的提高,對於機台控制而言,更需要彈性化的發展與結構化的構建,才能適時準確地控制機台的一切加工動作,可是目前國內對於彈性化與結構化之機台控制界面程式建構方面的研究,仍然不足。
因此本研究針對晶圓廠機台高度自動化、功能複雜多變化以及精確性製程控制的特性,發展出一套彈性化、結構化的機台控制界面程式建構流程。本建構流程的機制,是利用軟體工程模組化與結構化的方法分析,將機台自動化控制流程予以分割為各個專司處理不同功能的模組,依此功能模組架構再來完成機台控制界面程式的建構與程式的撰寫,另一方面,可以依此架構來建構各類型模組的程式資料庫,提供給欲構建類似控制流程的機台控制界面程式之用,如此不但可增加機台控制界面程式的撰寫彈性、縮短其實際構建的時間,更可增加程式可讀性與簡化程式更新、維護的步驟。對機台控制方面而言,更能依現場實際控制的需求,較簡便地進行適當、精確的調整與變更。對現場操作人員、設備維護工程師以及自動化部門的工程師均可帶來莫大的便利。 Under the fast growth and highly competitiveness situation of semiconductor industry, how to optimize the manufacturing environment is a very important issue. One of the key issues is about the utilization and management of the manufacturing equipment. Currently, there is sound technique in the automatic control of the equipment. But, it is still in its infancy in the area of automatic construction of the machine interface. Much effort and long time have to be spent in constructing a linkage when a new manufacturing equipment is to be added. Due to the progress of semiconductor manufacturing technique and equipment, a structured machine interface construction approach has also to facilitate the production line maintenance. Only very few research result can be found in the present. This project is to develop a set of reconfigurable and structured function modules in constructing the interface between semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The construction mechanism uses the modularized and structured methodology and based on the domain knowledge of semiconductor automatic manufacturing. We divide the equipment automatic control flow into separate modules by different manufacturing functions. On the other hand, a set of motion pictures and graphics are used to demonstrate the operations and the message streams of the implemented interfaces between equipments. The proposed architecture can provide a set of modularized function libraries for those who want to construct similar interfaces between the automatic manufacturing equipments. Thus, the effort and time spent will be greatly reduced. Under such circumstances, the shop floor staffs, including operators, equipment maintenance engineers and automatic engineers, can easily use, understand and construct the automatic environment of a wafer fab. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/63795 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |