标题: 主控制室运转人员心智负荷量测方法之发展
The Development of Operators' Mental Workload Measurement in Advanced Control Room
作者: 蔡维彬
Wei-Pin Tsai
Shang-Hwa Hsu
关键字: 工作负荷;心智负荷;先进型主控制室;人因工程;Workload;Mental Workload;Advanced Control Room;Human Factors
公开日期: 1998
摘要: 近年来因为电脑的快速发展,使得核能运转系统的控制方式进入了先进型主控制室 (Advanced Control Room)的时代,利用电脑设计全自动或是半自动的控制系统帮助运转员控制核能运转系统的运作。因此先进型主控制室之控制系统介面系统之设计是否合乎人因规范的要求将影响到运转员利用控制介面进行作业时其作业绩效的好坏以及运转系统之安全。
本研究先从核能运转系统主控制室运转员操作控制介面之作业着手,利用时间序列分析法得到运转员之作业分析结果,再辅以Wickens (1992)所提出之人类资讯处理模型的理论,以得到运转员之认知作业分析结果 (Cognitive task Analysis)。接着对各个心智负荷测量方法加以研究及评估,以找出本研究之心智负荷测量方法的发展方向,并用以发展、修订出适用于评量运转员利用先进型核能运转系统主控制室之控制介面进行监控、操作作业时所感受到之心智负荷程度之心智负荷测量方法。在利用两种不同设计之模拟控制介面进行实验后证实此一心智负荷测量方法具有信度、敏感度以及效度之特性。此一心智负荷量测方法适用于量测先进型主控制室中运转员之心智负荷程度并可用以评量介面设计之优劣。
Due to the great advancement on computer technology in recent years, the operation methods of Nuclear Power System have entered the Advanced Control Room era. Using comupter to design automatic or semi-automatic control system in order to help operators controlling nuclear power system. Whether the interface design of the control system coincide with the human factors regulations will affect operators task performance and system safety.
The excution of this study will use the mental workload degrees of operators to evaluate the congruence of advanced control room interface design. But the traditional subjective rating methods (eg. NASA-TLX, SWAT) are not made to measure the mental workload of operators in advanced control room, thus developing a adequate mental workload measurement is definitely necessary.
This study will start from the operators' tasks using system control interface in advanced control room, using time-line analysis to write the operators' task analysis report. Next, to write the cognitive task analysis report by human information theory (Wickens, 1992). Then to study and evaluate every mental workload measurements in order to find the developing direction of the mental workload measurement in this study. Following the direction, developing and modifying the mental workload measurement which is adequate to evaluate opatators' mental workload in advanced control room. After experimenting with two different kinds of simulate interfaces, the result showed that this mental workload measurement had reliability, validity and sensibility. This mental workload measurement is adequate to evaluate operators' mental workload in advanced control room and can be used to evaluate the congruence of advanced control room interface design.