Title: 主控制室運轉人員情境知覺量測方法之發展
The Development of Operators' Situation Awareness Measurement in Advanced Control Room
Authors: 劉光俊
Kwung-Chun Liu
Dr. Shang-Hwa Hsu
Keywords: 情境知覺;先進型主控制室;人因工程;Situation Awareness;Advance Control Room;Human Factor
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 先進型主控室乃是一複雜動態系統。Endsley研究指出,在複雜動態系統有88%的意外來自於情境知覺的不完全。因此在介面的設計與驗證確認,確保情境知覺的提升是一重要的議題。
The advanced control room is a complex, dynamic system. In recent reviews of complex-dynamic system, 88% of those were resulted from the incomplete situation awareness. Ensuring the improvement of situation awareness is a important issue in the interface design and V&V stages.
The measurements of situation awareness include physiological measurements, performance measurements, subjective techniques, and questionnaires. SAGAT (situation awareness global assessment technique) developed by Endsly had been used extensively. But SAGAT lack a quantification procedure and can't be used to measure the distribution of SA.
The situation awareness measurement in this study extends from SAGAT 's freeze technique and interrupting, subjective observer-rating to a quantitative method. Considering the task property of operators in control room, we can measure the degree and distribution of SA.
After experiment verifying by two interface, result show that: level 1 SA, level 2 SA, and prior-, rear-task SA show significant difference, and the result considers performance. By observing, the main factors affect SA are grouping representing, and sorting. Results show that the situation awareness measurement has enough validity and sensibility.
Appears in Collections:Thesis