標題: 高雄港裝卸作業民營化前後營運績效評估研究
Study on Port Business Performance Evaluation Before and After Cargo Operation Privatization In Port of Kaohsiung
作者: 黃國英
Huang, Kuo-ying
Dr. Chen, Wu-cheng
關鍵字: 裝卸作業民營化;港埠營運積效;營運積效指標;privatization of cargo operation;port operation performances;performance indexes
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 高雄港自民國87年1月1日起實施裝卸作業民營化後迄今已逾一年,此種制度上之改變,對港埠營運產生多大之影響,為港埠經營管理單位亟望瞭解之重要課題。本研究擬利用民營化前後相關營運績效之變動,找出一套合適之方法,來分析探討高雄港裝卸作業民營化之成效;並希望藉由裝卸作業民營化前後營運績效之差異比對及民營化後發現之缺失,進一步提出改善港埠營運績效之對策,供港務經營管理單位參考。 研究過程首先蒐集民營化前後各項港埠營運資料,並探討碼頭工人僱用制度合理化及裝卸作業民營化之推動及成效;進而參酌國內外有關港埠營運績效之研究文獻,以民國86及87年裝卸作業民營化前後之營運資料,以及航商、貨主及相關業者(報關行、裝卸業者、碼頭工人、港務局人員等)之問卷調查成果作為本研究主要分析探討之範圍,來比較分析裝卸作業民營化前後整體港埠營運績效指標之變動,並探討變動之原因。本研究之結論簡述如下: 1.據本研究之分析成果,顯示裝卸作業民營化後雜貨之整體營運效率確有顯著之改善,綜合績效評估值由86年之0.4658提昇至87年之0.6391。 2.由研究成果顯示裝卸作業民營化後貨櫃之整體營運效率略有下降,其綜合績效評估值由86年之0.8250下降至87年之0.6986。本研究分別探討民營化後貨櫃作業各項績效指標下降之原因及缺失,並提出相關建議以供參考。 3.由於民營化開始執行之第一年(87年)各單位均需要一段過渡期,造成部分績效指標下滑,事實上88年第一季之各項營運績效率指標較之87年第一季已有明顯改善,顯示未來仍有改善成長的空間。 4.整體而言,高雄港裝卸作業開放民營化之後,雖仍有許多未盡之處,但對市場機制之發揮、作業之進行、工人之管理及港埠作業自由化、國際化的推動均具正面的效果;且在營運限制解除後,航商作業管理上亦較以往有自主權,業務量有增加的趨勢,已有繼續在港投資經營的動作,對亞太營運海運轉運中心計畫之推動確實有極大的幫助。
In has been more than one year since the privatization of cargo operation in Port of Kaohsiung on January 1, 1998. How much effect this systemic innovation has applied to the port business is an important subject that the port management unit wants to know. This study examines the variation of the related port operation performances before and after the privatization to figure out a suitable method for analyzing the effect of the privatization. And hopefully by comparing this variation and reviewing the imperfection of the privatization, some solutions can be found and submitted to the port management unit for reference. In the process of the study, I first collected various port business statistics before and after the privatization and studied the promotion and results of the privatization and the rationalization of stevedore employment system in the port. And then I consulted research papers on port business performances abroad and at home, and reviewed port business statistics in 1997 and 1998 that were years before and after the privatization respectively. I also conducted a questionnaire on shipping companies, cargo owners and related industries, including customs clearance agencies, stevedoring companies, harbor workers and port employees. All the material is used to analyze the variation of overall port business performances, and furthermore, to find out the reasons of the variation. The following are the summary of the study’s conclusion: 1.The analyses of the study showed that the overall performance of general cargo operation had an obvious improvement after the privatization. Its general performance index rose from 0.4658 in 1997 to 0.6391 in 1998. 2.This study also showed that the overall performance of container cargo operation fell slightly. Its general performance index dropped from 0.8250 in 1997 to 0.6986 in 1998. The study further discussed the reasons of the drop and made some suggestions for reference. 3.Some performance indexes dropped because every related unit needed a transition period to adjust for the privatization in the first year. In face, in the first season of 1999, all various business performance indexed rose obviously comparing to those in the same period of 1998. It showed room for improvement and growth in the future. 4.In general, after privatization, cargo operation in Port of Kaohsiung is still not satisfactory. However, the privatization itself has produced positive effects in market function, cargo handling, labor management as well as liberalization and internationalization of cargo operation in Port of Kaohsiung. Furthermore, after deregulation of business limitation, shipping companies have gained more freedom in their operation and management. As a result, their business is increasing and so are their investments in the port. This has offered great help to the development of Port of Kaohsiung into Asia-Pacific Regional Maritime Transshipment Center.