標題: 互動式3D動畫開發環境及三個應用實例
Interactive 3D Animation Development Environment and Three Applications
作者: 黃智傑
Huang Chih-Chieh
Liou Jenn-Hann
關鍵字: 互動式3D電腦動畫;程式框架;3D場景編輯器;天球模型;牛頓力學天體模型;3D繪圖引擎;Interactive 3D Computer Animation;Direct3D;3D Animation Framework;3D Scene Editor;3D Game Engine
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 微軟在Windows 95內提供一套軟體開發工具DirectX,利用DirectX可以開發出各種多媒體應用程式。DirectX由許多部份組成,其中的Direct3D可以用來建構各種3D遊戲。Direct3D一方面提供一個標準介面,硬體製造者可以利用這個介面開發出更多更有效率的3D顯示卡。另一方面,Direct3D也提供了一套完整的3D程式庫讓軟體開發者在設計3D應用程式時不用考慮硬體的相容性。 Direct3D提供一個穩固且有效率的繪圖引擎,但使用起來非常不方便,有許多較為低階的細節需要處理。在本論文中,我們嘗試以Direct3D為基礎,建構一個用來簡化3D動畫應用程式開發的程式框架。這個程式框架將許多和系統相關的複雜細節隱藏起來,包裝成容易使用及擴充的元件。利用這個程式框架開發3D動畫程式不需要撰寫太多的程式碼,可以將更多的心力放在內容的安排,增進軟體製作的效率。 我們利用這個程式框架實作了三個應用程式:天球模型、牛頓力學天體模型及3D場景編輯器。由這些應用可看出,此發展環境具有相當程度的實用價值和可靠性。
When Microsoft started to deliver Windows 95, it also made available the software development kit DirectX. A 3D animation engine within DirectX, Direct3D, made it possible to create 3D games on Windows platform. DirectX on the one hand provides precise specification for hardware suppliers to design more and more powerful 3D acceleration display card. It on the other hand provides software developer well documented library to build their 3D applications, never to worry about the hardware. Direct3D does provide low-level, robust engine. But when one starts to use it to build an application, he finds necessary to construct numerous minute basic routines. In this thesis we try to create a framework to facilitate the application development upon Direct 3D. With this framework, codes for the creation and initialization of low level components are automatically included. Furthermore we create and encapsulate sophisticated components, ready to be utilized and extended. We created three applications upon this framework. These applications are: a 3d model for the visualization of astronomical bodies, a 3d model illustrating Newton's law in planet and satellite orbiting, a 3d scene editor. It seems that our framework is helpful and reliable to certain extent.