標題: 漫畫圖鑑之詮釋資料與實作漫畫圖鑑研究
A Study of Metadata and Illustrated Handbook of Comics
作者: 湯春枝
Chun-chih Tang
Hao-Ren Ke
Wei-Pang Yang
關鍵字: 漫畫;數位典藏;資訊組織;詮釋資料;都柏林核心集;中文詮釋資料交換格式;主題地圖;延伸標記語言;Comic Book;Digital Archive;Information Organization;Metadata;Dublin Core;Metadata Interchange for Chinese Information (MICI-DC);Topic Maps;XML
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 漫畫就像其他媒體一樣,會反應社會現況,呈現社會階層結構、不同階層的生活形態、社會價值觀,其重要性和影響力是不容忽視的。漫畫也是六年國家發展重點計畫中文化創意產業的一環,如何透過網際網路與資訊科技使得漫畫產業有前瞻性的發展,是整個漫畫界所翹首期盼的。 有鑑於此,本論文以漫畫為主題,就漫畫圖鑑之詮釋資料與設計漫畫圖鑑兩個研究方向論述,建立漫畫數位典藏,並發展漫畫數位典藏之創意加值應用。 詮釋資料的設計與建置是屬於基礎底層的資訊組織工作,建置的知識內容與相關資源可靈活運用於圖鑑的展現上,呈現出圖文並茂的內容訴求。圖鑑資料是坊間通用的出版品形式之一,也是圖書館中常見的館藏類型,類似漫畫之類的圖像性質出版品,非常適合以圖鑑資料方式來呈現表達,並可獲致畫龍點睛之效果。漫畫圖鑑所傳達之典藏的內容訊息和數位化漫畫作品之間的相關應用資訊,透過良好的詮釋資料設計,將提供使用者需要的重要資訊。詮釋資料的設計原則是從瞭解使用者需求與資訊屬性著手,同時也考慮到資訊系統之間的互通性,並參考「中文詮釋資料交換格式」(MICI-DC)、行政院文化建設委員會「國家文化資料庫詮釋資料」制定的「漫畫作品詮釋資料」格式1.0版,擷取其中各自優點以及漫畫圖鑑之特性,研擬出一套適合漫畫圖鑑之詮釋資料格式。研究者從交通大學漫畫研究中心所蒐集之漫畫研究資料中,選定知名鄉土漫畫家劉興欽先生家喻戶曉的兩部作品「阿三哥大嬸婆遊台北」、「阿三哥大嬸婆遊寶島」作為原始素材,這兩部作品可視為描述台灣五、六十年代當時景點名勝、名產小吃、文化特色的一幅寫實旅遊風情畫。我們使用主題地圖的作法來處理漫畫中無組織且錯綜複雜的資訊,將其內容有系統地抽離出人、事、地、物的主題,然後,將這些主題串連形成關聯,整合分析後,以落實在線上漫畫圖鑑的建構上,提供漫畫愛好者在漫畫閱讀上的另一種選擇。
Like other media, comics play an important and influential role in a society. Comic books can reflect the current status of a society, and express the hierarchical structure of the society, life styles and philosophies of people in different classes. In addition, comics are also a part of the culture invention industry in the “Challenge 2008: the 6-Year National Development Plan” .Therefore, people in the field of comics wish to take advantage of Internet and information technology to bring an advanced evolution of the comic industry. This thesis focuses on comics and has two main research directions. The first one is metadata of illustrated handbook of comics, and the other is how to create an illustrated handbook of comics. We expert this thesis can help establish a digital collection of comic books and develop creative value-added applications of a comic digital collection. The design and construction of metadata is the infrastructure of information organization. The constructed knowledge content and related resources can be easily adapted in the expression of illustrated handbooks to present excellent compositions with both pictures and texts. Illustrated handbooks are a popular type of publications and common holdings in libraries. Figure-oriented publications like comic books are very suitable for illustrated handbooks. We choose two comic works “阿三哥大嬸婆遊台北 “ and “ 阿三哥大嬸婆遊寶島“ drawn by a very famous local comic author named Mr. Liu, Hsing-Chin (劉興欽). These two comic works describe scenic spots, specialty goods, local foods, and culture characteristics in 50s and 60s in Taiwan. We use the Topic Maps to manipulate the unorganized and complicated information in comic books, and divide them into the themes of characters, events, places, objects systematically. Furthermore, we find some relations among these four themes. After integrated analyzing these themes and their relationships, we construct an online illustrated handbook of comics. The handbook conveys complex information of a digital comic collection and comic books. The Design of suitable metadata will provide important information for users. The principle in the design of metadata includes catching on users’ information behavior and understanding the attributes of information. In addition, the interoperability between computer information systems is also an important factor. By analyzing “MICI-DC” and “Comic Works Metadata” of the “National Repository of Cultural Heritage”, the researcher gathers their essentials and the characteristics of illustrated handbooks of comics to design a suitable metadata of illustrated handbook of comics.
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