標題: 台灣電業再造後獨立電力調度者(ISO)之設計研究
Research on the Design of Independent System Operator-After the Restructuring of Taiwan Electricity Industry
作者: 潘明宏
Ming-Horng Pan
Dr. Pao-Long Chang
關鍵字: 獨立電力調度者;Independent System Operator
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 由於電力與資訊科技之進步,以及公用事業自由化與民營化之潮流,促使電力產業的結構重整。政府為求解決供電不足,已開放民間參與發電業經營,因此未來台灣電力事業勢必面臨重大變革。獨立電力調度者之組織與功能設計,對未來電力市場之運作模式有關鍵性影響。因此本研究希望透過相關理論知識,設計符合台灣電業環境需求之獨立電力調度者,以提供我國電業發展與轉型之參考。 本論文之主要內容包括: 1. 蒐集國外有關獨立電力調度者的設計理論、架構,與運轉經驗。 2. 分析台灣現有電力系統之環境特性,就經濟、管制、科技等主要層面探討其發展趨勢,以確認與獨立電力調度者設計有關之因素。 3. 分別從結構、人員、技術三方面探討如何建構獨立電力調度者之組織模型,以及相關配套措施。
The structure of electricity industry reorganized due to the progress of power and information technology, and the trend for liberization and privatization of public utility. For solving the shortage of electricity, government has opened generation market, so the structure of Taiwan power industry will face great change in the future. How the Independent System Operator organized and related functional design has great impact on the operation of power market. Therefore, this research aims to imitate a proper Independent System Operator under the condition of Taiwan power environment, through the efforts of gathering, analyzing on relevant studies, papers, information and cases. This paper contains information of three categories: 1. Operation experience, architecture, and theories of Independent System Operator in foreign electricity industry. 2. Data/characteristics/trend oriented to domestic power system environment from phases of economy, regulation, and technology. 3. Exploring how to construct the organization model of Independent System Operator from phases of structure, staff, technology, and corresponding condition for implementation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis