標題: 可旋轉之微斜鏡面機構
An inclined micromirror with rotating motion
作者: 游輝德
Huei-Der You
Wen-syang Hsu
關鍵字: 微機電;微鏡面;傾斜;聚醯胺;微致動器;mems;micromirror;inclined;polyimide;microactuator
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 本篇提出一可作旋轉運動的傾斜微鏡面結構。其構造乃是將作為鏡面的平板,在其上塗上聚醯胺(Polyimide),利用聚醯胺加熱產生收縮的現象,將鏡面抬起而傾斜。而此鏡面是設置在一個空心圓盤中。利用電熱式側向致動器加以驅動此圓盤時,則此傾斜鏡面將可做三百六十度之旋轉運動。而採用的電熱式側向致動器,則是將已經發展出來的舊有設計加以改良,並採用分析軟體ANSIS 5.3加以分析,證實能夠獲得較以往設計增加0.6倍的位移量。另外,並獨立地進行聚醯胺傾斜結構的實驗,觀察並討論及結果。
In this paper, an inclined micromirror with rotating motion was designed and fabricated. Firstly, polyimide was spun on the plate used as the micromirror. After being heated, the polyimide shrunk and tilted the micromirror. The micromirror was constructed on a hollow disk, and the hollow was actuated by a laterally driven mircoactuator. If the hollow disk was actuated, the inclined micromirror rotated up to 360 degrees. The used microactuator was improved from the old design. Through the use of numerical finite-element program ANSIS53, the microactuator was analyzed. From the simulation, that the improved microactuator had a displacement larger than the old design by 0.6 time was observed. Besides, the test of polyimide tilting the plate was performed separately. The results of the test were recorded and discussed.