標題: 台灣積體電路競爭優勢及創新政策分析之研究
An Analysis of Competitive Advantage and Innovation Policy of Taiwan's IC Industry
作者: 李輝鈞
Hui-Chun LEE
Dr. Joseph Z.Shyu
關鍵字: 國家競爭優勢;國家創新系統;策略群組;關鍵成功因素
公開日期: 1999
摘要: “產業稻米”之稱半導體,為我國明星產業之一,而提升產業競爭力需要企業、產業及國家創新系統之配合,本研究擬以Porter競爭策略矩陣、企業價值鏈與Amoco的策略群組分析模式作為研究構面,分析其與產業關鍵成功因素之間的關聯性。在產業競爭力研究方面,本研究利用Hope與Hope的「產業價值鏈策略群組分析模式」為未來全球及我國IC廠商作策略定位,並結合「關鍵成功因素」之觀念,以未來台灣IC產業發展為個案,透過「產業關鍵成功因素」,分析全球積體電路價值鏈與我國產業發展關鍵成功因素之間的關聯性。 在關鍵成功因素之研究方面,我們發現全球積體電路產業可分為「產品領導導向」、「營運效能導向」、「親密顧客服務導向」與「多元化經營導向」四大策略群組,並根據此策略群組歸納整理出關鍵成功因素。 在以我國IC產業的發展為例,我國產業策略群組關鍵成功因素研究中。我國廠商主要以「營運效能導向」為主,其所需產業關鍵成功因素包括:產品良率的控制能力、資金的籌措能力、交貨穩定度的控制能力、顧客長期關係的建立能力、與顧客建立互信基礎的能力、市場領導優勢、多元化技術的掌握能力、製造週期縮短的能力、研發人員素質的掌握及培育能力、研發資料庫完整性的掌握能力、廠商技術合作關係的掌握能力、製程創新的能力等共十二項。 我國廠商除了在「營運效能導向」外,還包含「親密顧客服務導向」此策略群組。而所需之產業關鍵成功因素包含研發團隊的整合能力、顧客導向的產品設計與製造能力、產品良率的控制能力、製造週期縮短的能力、全面成本的控制能力、顧客長期關係的建立能力、市場領導優勢、與顧客建立互信基礎的能力、研發人員素質的掌握及培育能力、多元化技術的掌握能力等十項,故此時期我國IC產業尤須掌握產業關鍵成功因素,並塑造有利的產業條件,如此方能在競爭激烈的產業環境中,持續提升產業國際競爭優勢。
This thesis reports on an analysis of the value-chain and the value system of Taiwan’s integrated circuit (IC) industry. The aim of this work is to revise the previous analytical framework of national innovation system (NIS) which correlates industry’s key success factors (KSFs) and the NIS of Taiwan. Using the revised NIS framework, this work helps clarify the impacts of national innovation policy on the strategic requirements and future directions of development for Taiwan’s IC industry. The latter is assumed to be responsible for the competitiveness of the nationis IC firms. The industry’s KSFs have been revised in this study, using a series of expert interviews. These new KSFs identified are assumed to the targeted directions for future developments for Taiwan’s IC firms. These KSFs are designing skills for core intellectual properties,capability of fast design,capability of developing new process technology,capability of intellectual properties acquisition and R&D,capability of establishing BTO operation system,capability of manipulating strategic alliances, and capability of managing intellectual properties databases. Results show that, although Taiwan’s IC firms traditionally focused their strategic direction in achieving a strategic position in “operational excellence”, there are a number of firms who have decided to commit their future strategic focuses on “customer intimacy”, “diversification”, and “product leadership”. As a result of such strategic changes, Taiwan’s IC firms demand a new set of innovation policy which helps them develop their capabilities in accordance with the new competitive requirements, or KSFs, of their respective industrial sectors. The new innovation policy demanded by national firms includes scientific& technical, information, procurement,and commercial regulation.