Title: 電子採購在鋼構廠採購流程之應用
The Application of e-Purchase of Steel Construction Factory
Authors: 黃絲珮
Sui-Pei Huang
Chang-Yu Lin
Keywords: 電子採購;鋼構廠;e-Purchase;Steel Construction Factory
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 近年來隨著資訊科技的快速發展,網際網路已經成為資訊傳遞不可或缺的途徑,電子商務的應用技術由於日漸成熟,也改變人類購物行為以及交易模式,更引起了產業結構的改變及創新。
As the rapidly development of science and technology, Internet becomes a necessary way to transmit messages. e-Business is blooming in this period of time changing habits of consumers. It also makes the huge shift of industry.
Civil Engineering has some characters, like large volume of trades, many product standards and over requires of standards. Civil Engineering sometimes can’t be expanded to e-Business due to those reasons. But we should focus on the coming era of e-Business.
This study is a research of Steel Construction Factory using e-Purchase to improve the efficiency. By using ASP homepages in front and a system behind can imitate a full flowchart in the purchase process of a Steel Construction Factory. We can find that e-Purchase can raise the efficiency, clear about the purchase process and lower the cost of working capital. Our findings have a positive meaning in this study.
In another way, we examine products of Steel Construction Factories. We hope that every factory can get together to be a marketplace thus the new era of Civil Engineering can come true.
Appears in Collections:Thesis