標題: 影響MES績效之關鍵因素研究-以IC製造業為對象
An Empirical Study on Critical Factors of MES Performance in IC Fabrication
作者: 黃 凡紋
Fan-Wen Huang
Chin-Fu Yang
關鍵字: IC製造業;製造執行系統;關鍵因素;使用績效;IC fabrication;manufacturing execution system;MES;critical factor;performance
公開日期: 2000
摘要: IC產業包含設計、製造、封裝與測試,其中又以IC製造業佔台灣半導體產值之最大。然而IC製程複雜繁多,具有再回流與重加工的特性,因此在生產管理上十分的困難。而製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System, MES)利用電腦資訊技術,可有效的管理現場作業、收集相關資料、追蹤WIP狀態,滿足IC製造廠之需求。 本研究採用人員訪談與問卷郵寄兩種資料收集方式並行,利用因素分析與複迴歸分析兩種手法針對台灣IC製造廠進行影響MES使用績效之關鍵因素研究。獲得之相關結論如下: 1. 在IC製造廠使用MES之狀況方面,經調查的19家IC製造廠,發現他們皆有使用MES,使用時間以3至5年為最多,而獲致MES的方法都是購買套裝軟體並加以修改。 2. 影響IC製造廠MES的使用績效的關鍵因素可分為管理面與資訊面:其中管理面有「新系統的教育訓練」、「員工的配合」、「高層管理者的全力支持」等三項;資訊面之關鍵因素為「MES與其他資訊系統系統的整合」、「MES本身所能提供的功能完整性」、「資訊的正確性與即時性」等三項。 3. 不論有無考慮使用績效(因變數)對於關鍵因素(自變數)之影響,管理面還是佔關鍵因素之首要地位。
IC fabrication plays a key role in Taiwan’s IC industry, which contains four main processing segments, i.e. design, fabrication, packaging, and testing. However, it is hard to manage the shop floor of IC fabrication with many manufacturing steps and complex characteristics, i.e. process reentry and wafer rework. As for manufacturing execution system (MES), the information technology is adopted to manage shop-floor activities efficiently, collect relative data, trace the WIP status, therefore MES satisfy the requirement of IC fabrication. Two data getting methods, interview and mail, are used in this thesis to gather data. And, factor analysis and multiple regression analysis are adopted to find the critical factors of MES performance in IC fabrication. As the above researches, several conclusions show as following. 1. There are 19 responses in this study. All IC fabrication use MES, and about 36 % of IC fabrication use MES from 3 to 5 years. All IC fabrication acquire MES by buying package and make some customized change. 2. The critical factors of MES performance in IC fabrication can be classified as managing phase and information phase. Managing phase contains 「the education and training of new system」, 「coordination of employees」and 「fully supporting from advanced managers」. Moreover, information phase is the 「integration of MES and other information systems」,「functionality offered by MES」,「right and real-time data」. 3. Managing phase is the most critical factors by using two analyzing method.
Appears in Collections:Thesis