DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorShin-Yi Chouen_US
dc.contributor.authorCheng-min Fengen_US
dc.description.abstract運輸業是受到政府管制的行業,且為食衣住行中民生生活活動所必需仰賴之行業。因此運輸業之績效評估不同於一般企業以財務比率判定營運績效的良窳,而應考量資源投入、服務產出與服務消費三者間兩兩的關係。綜觀國內外探討大眾運輸營運績效之文獻大多以公車系統為主,較少針對捷運系統研擬一套績效評估架構、評估指標與評估程序。 本研究所指外在環境因素僅考量捷運路網的形成及大眾運輸優惠方案的實施,假設在研究時程內同一路網規模下捷運票價變化不大、服務水準管制不變及大眾運輸市場趨於整合。在捷運系統新路線加入營運及大眾運輸優惠方案施行後,探討台北捷運公司營運績效的變化情況。 營運績效評估架構依Fielding(1985)之觀點,由成本效率、服務效果、成本效果三大構面研擬共36個評估指標。在比較多變量分析方法、資料包絡分析法及總要素生產力方法之優缺點後,以多變量分析法較能同時考量各構面之營運績效指標。經由因素分析後成本效率構面獲得三項因素,分別命名為勞動及資產產出因素(F1)、中運量車輛生產因素(F2)、營運成本因素(F3);服務效果構面及成本效果構面各萃取1個因素,分別命名為服務效果因素(F4)、成本效果因素(F5)。 本研究以五個因素對資料月份進行集群分析,可分得十二個集群。其中淡水線通車(86/04)前後、新店線南段通車(88/11)前後營運績效的影響較為顯著,中和線及新店線北段通車(87/12)對營運績效的影響較小,板南線通車(88/12)的影響有遞延效果,至營運次月才顯現。捷運轉乘券優惠(85/11)與捷運轉乘免費(88/07)對捷運營運績效影響的效果較不明顯,可能原因為目前捷運轉乘僅單向優惠(即先搭乘捷運再轉公車才能享受優惠),故吸引的旅客數量有限。整體而言,捷運路網的擴大對整體營運績效的影響較大,因營運網路的漸趨完整,將使捷運系統的服務範圍擴大並提高運能,營運績效變的更佳。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTransportation industry in Taiwan is monitored by government and is a necessity for people’s daily life. Therefore, performance evaluation of transportation industry is different from general one, which is evaluated by the financial ratio, relationship among resources input, service output and service consumption should be included. Most previous studies are focus on bus system instead of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT). The purpose of this study is to establish a performance evaluation framework, indicators and procedure for the MRT. The operation network of MRT and preferential scheme for the riders from MRT to bus are two factors of external environment and will be discussed in this study. The assumption is based on the same price and service level, as long as the public transit market is in the cooperation. This study purposes to investigate the impact on the operation performance of the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC) due to the added operation of the new line and the implementation of the preferential scheme. Based on the performance evaluation structure established by Fielding (1985), 36 performance evaluation indicators were determined in this study. These indicators reflect three important constructs of this evaluation framework: cost efficiency, service effect and cost effect. Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA) was chosen to analyze those indicators because it incorporates them simultaneously better than Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) or Total Factor Productivity (TFP) does. After factor analysis, three factors were determined in cost efficiency construct. They were Labor vs. Assets Output (F1), the Production of Medium-Capacity Vehicle (F2), and Operation Cost (F3). Two factors were determined respectively in two other constructs. They were Service Effect (F4) and Cost Effect (F5). Based on the above five common factors, the total monthly data is distributed into twelve clusters by using Cluster Analysis. There are obvious influences shown after the opening of Tamshui Line(04/1997) and Hsintien Line(11/1999) on the operational performance and less influence on Chungho Line & the north section of Hsintien Line(12/1998). The influence of opening of Panna Line(12/1999) came out late till the next month. Unidirectional transfer (taking bus from MRT station to destination) discount(11/1996) and free-transfer scheme(7/1999) only attract limited passengers to use MRT, therefore there is little influence on the operational performance. In conclusion, the operation performance will be improved after completing the network of MRT.en_US
dc.subjectExternal Environmenten_US
dc.subjectOperation Performanceen_US
dc.subjectMass Rapid Transit (MRT)en_US
dc.subjectMultivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA)en_US
dc.titleOperation Performance Analysis for Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation under External Environment Changeen_US