标题: 电子付款系统之推广策略研究
A Compenhensive Study on the Promotion Strategies for Payment Systems of Electronic Commerce
作者: 陈建安
Chen, Chien-An
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
关键字: 安全付款系统;Moore技术采用生命周期;公开金钥架构;数位签章;Secure Payment System;Moore's Technology Adoption Life Cycle;Public Key Infrastructure;Digital Signaure
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 网际网路上的电子商务交易,必须在一个开放的环境中进行,因此交易的安全性便格外重要。为防范交易过程的安全威胁,必须导入符合安全需求的付款机制。但即使消费者对交易安全有着明确的需求,大部份的安全支付系统的交易量却始终低迷,其原因值得深入探究。
As electronic commerce transactions via the Internet must be conducted under an open environment, hence the transaction security becomes particularly important. In order to minimize such security risks, a variety of secure payment mechanisms need to be introduced. However, even with such measures implemented to address consumers’ online security concerns, transaction volumes through secure payment systems remain low. The reasons underlying this low transaction volume are worthy of research.
The thesis employs exploratory research methods to study the bottlenecks and measures for the development of e-commerce secure payment systems. Research begins with a detailed review of security mechanisms used by Internet payment systems, as well as the various attributes and application environments for primary secure payment systems. Results are provided for reference by those involved in the e-commerce industry.
The thesis further explores the principal theories of the development of information system products. A principal focus is on network externality, encompassing such related issues as complementary assets, compatibility, standardization, lock-in and switching cost. The leading firms of system architecture standards continuously increase installed bases to attract users and suppliers of complementary assets, thus starting the network effects, and attaining critical mass. Thus acquiring competitive advantages by expanding the network effects of system products, have become a principal goal for firms to promote their system products.
In proposing a promotion strategy approach for e-commerce secure payment systems, the thesis refers to the concept of diffusion of innovations. Based on various stages of Technology Adoption Life Cycle, the thesis explores how Marketing Mix strategies are used to expand network externalities, and achieve critical mass, in order to develop an effective promotion strategy model for secure payment systems. As SET is a typical secure payment system, the thesis uses this promotion strategy model and raises concrete applicable countermeasures for those issues directly resulting from the promotion of secure payment systems by e-commerce vendors. This model may further be applied to the promotion of other information system products, and thus take its place as the foundation of a firm’s marketing and promotion strategies.