標題: 資訊科技導入評估分析-以銀行業導入顧客關係管理為例
Determinants in Adopting Information Technology:The Case of Customer Relationship Management in Banking Industry
作者: 許志慶
Chih-Ching Hsu
Dr. Chih-Young Hung
關鍵字: 顧客關係管理;資訊系統導入;層級分析法;Customer Relationship Management;Adopting Information Technology;Analytic Hierarchy Process
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 近年來,由於商業銀行的競爭激烈,迫使許多銀行得不斷持續引進資訊科技來強化他們的競爭力與利益,其中尤其以顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM) 最受到眾人矚目。然而,資訊科技的導入的確可以帶給銀行業者新契機,但導入前的評估分析與評估準則間的輕重緩急等問題,都是重大的挑戰。 本研究目的是在建立銀行業導入顧客關係管理的評估分析模式。首先從各家銀行中挑選出多位專家進行Focus group,從中廣泛彙總影響導入評估的準則要素,並以層級分析法(AHP)的程序建構評估架構,以問卷調查方式了解專家們在主觀上對準則優先權重的意見。 本研究結果發現,銀行業在導入顧客關係管理評估衡量中,最重要的準則是工作效率與效果(權重0.13054),其次為取得轉換成本(權重0.10106),這二項皆為管理層面考量。並且發現資訊背景的評估者會比較重視管理考量層面,管理考量評估權數0.63636,技術考量評估權數0.36364;非資訊背景的評估者反而比較重視技術考量層面,技術考量層面權數0.53000,管理考量評估權數0.47000。
Currently, because of fierce competition among commercial banks, numerous banks have resolved to the adoption of information technologies to enhance their profitability. One of the hottest information technologies has been the customer relationship management (CRM). However, the adoption of information technologies into a well established bank presents not only an opportunity but also a threat to the status quo. What factors need to be considered before a specific item of information technology is brought into a bank is something that deserves attention. This study proposes an evaluation model for banks that are contemplating the adoption of CRM. The model is derived by the use of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Focus group discussion was first conducted by a selected group of professionals from various banks to come up with an extensive list of factors. Questionnaires were devised and then distributed to another group of professionals. Based on the judgments of these professionals, weight to each factor is calculated and assigned. The study found that in adopting the CRM, the most important factor to be concerned of is the operating efficiency of the system (weight 0.13054), while the next important factor is the cost of conversion into the new system (weight 0.10106). We also found that evaluators with information technology background place their emphasis more on the managerial aspects of the CRM (weights 0.63636) than on the technical aspect of the CRM (weight 0.36363). But evaluators with managerial capacity place their emphasis more on technical aspects of the CRM (weight 0.53) than on the managerial aspect of the CRM (0.47).