Title: 一個可擴充式的無線標籤語言轉碼器
An Extensible Wireless Markup Language Converter
Authors: 黃俊龍
Chun-lung Huang
Chi-Chun Lo
Keywords: 無線標籤語言;標籤語言轉碼器;個人通訊服務;HTML-LIKE標籤語言;HTML超本文傳輸協定;PCS;Rendering Engine;Markup Language Converter;WML;cHTML;iMode;Palm;HTML-LIKE Markup Language
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 「個人通訊服務(Personal Communication Service / PCS)一詞通常被視為各種無線擷取技術以及個人行動服務的通稱。個人通訊服務的最終目標是希望能夠隨時、隨地、以各種形式的通信器具來提供顧客通訊服務」。然而網際網路上的網頁大多都是依據桌上型電腦或是膝上型電腦所設計,並不適合用在這些銀幕較小、解析度較低、色彩較少、CPU處理速度較慢、並且頻寬有限的行動通訊設備上。於是許多新的HTML-LIKE標籤語言已經產生,但是利用新的標籤語言所建構出來的新網頁的成長速度,不但跟不上無線通訊設備的成長速度,若與1989年累積至今的HTML網頁相比更猶如九牛之於一毛。本研究的已開發一個可擴充式轉碼引擎的雛形,使得網頁內容提供者可以把現有的HTML網頁依照資料關聯性,切割出必要的部分,轉換成Wireless Markup Language(WAP)、Palm OS HTML 3.2(Palm)以及Compact HTML(iMode),藉以將一份既有的HTML網頁顯示於不同機型的手持式設備上。我們更進一步歸納出轉碼的規則與策略用以應付其他可能出現的新式HTML-LIKE標籤語言,藉以達成個人通訊服務的最終目標。
The ultimate purpose of Personal Communication Service (PCS) provides communication services for the users anytime, anywhere and any-device. The general existing HTML pages are designed for browsing in various desktop and laptop environments. Because of the small size of screen, low quality of resolution, insufficient computing power, and narrow bandwidth, it is not suitable to browse the existing HTML pages via handheld devices directly. Therefore, the various and emerging HTML-LIKE markup languages, such as Wireless Markup Language, Compact HTML, and Palm OS HTML, are proposed for wireless environment. Nevertheless, the amount of web pages built by these new HTML-LIKE Markup Languages is less than the amount of existing HTML pages that are still growing at an incredible rate. The purpose of this thesis provides an extensible wireless markup language converter to render the desired content within a HTML page into WML(WAP), Palm OS HTML(Palm), or cHTML(iMode) format. The former HTML pages can be browsed on not only traditional HTML browsers but also various modern handheld devices in wireless environment. Furthermore, the proposed thesis inducts the related rendering strategies that can be expanded into new HTML-LIKE markup languages in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis