标题: 台湾高速铁路竞争策略之研究
Studies on Competitive Strategies for Taiwan High-Speed Rail
作者: 严振昌
Chen-Chang Yen
Shang-Hsing Hsieh
关键字: 高速铁路;竞争策略;SWOT分析法;层级分析法;High-Speed Rail;Competitive Strategy;SWOT;AHP
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 高速铁路是目前政府正在推动重大交通建设之一,预计在民国94年通车营运,未来高速铁路加入台湾西部运输市场后,势必对于各运具与原搭乘民众造成影响,使各运具之市场区隔将重新定位。由于高铁为新加入之运具,若没有适当的行销手法与竞争策略,或一味地想要以良好的供给来创造需求,未对城际走廊内乘客真正的喜好特性及外在运输环境加以考量,将可能导致空有高品质的运输服务,却无法吸引旅客前来使用。因此,本研究尝试找出台湾高速铁路之营运目标与竞争策略,以作为高铁有关单位在营运决策上的参考。
High-speed rail is one of the important transportation constructions of Taiwan Government. It will be finished and in operation in the year 2005 which certainly will make a great change to the western transportation market in Taiwan. The market share of every mode will be reallocated. The high-speed rail is a new mode and is able to provide high-quality services. It could only attract less passengers, if the high-speed rail company ignores the needs of passengers and draws no appropriate marketing strategies or competitive strategies. This study tries to find out the goals and the competitive strategies of Taiwan high-speed rail as references in operation and decision making for relevant authorities.
This study first uses SWOT method associating with secondary data collection, expert interview, and questionnaire investigation to analyze the attributes of Taiwan high-speed rail and to find out its internal strength, weakness, and external opportunity, threat. Then, matching strategic factors with SWOT matrix can obtain SO strategies, ST strategies, WO strategies, and WT strategies. By using expert interview we can get the concrete operation goals and the competitive strategies of Taiwan high-speed rail. Finally, by applying Analytical Hierarchy Process method(AHP)and expert questionnaire we choose several competitive strategies. In conclusion, it can be found the priority of the strategies and optimal strategies for Taiwan high-speed rail.