Title: 以方法引導之設計與其設計心智歷程初探
A cognitive study of method-driven design, some phenomena and implications
Authors: 胡文昌
Ming-Hung Wang
Keywords: 以方法引導之設計;設計資訊處理;原案分析;設計思考;method-driven design;design information processing;protocol analysis;design thinking
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 在過去的研究中,大部分都專注在以直觀引導之自然設計行為,並試圖探索其設計過程。相反的,對於以方法進行之設計過程或或其設計思考則一直未被討論,也未有適當的認知模型可供描述其設計認知。 本研究主要討論以方法引導之設計,一方面試圖尋由一可具體描述“方法”之理論模型,另一方面則討論其認知行為的特殊性,其與一般以直觀引導之設計思考有何關鍵性的差異?此差異如何呈現在設計過程當中? 據此,本研究當可分作二大步驟,首先是以資訊處理理論與視覺思考概念為基礎,利用回顧過去設計認知領域之研究,推導出一個可供觀察方法施作同時能凸顯其對設計認知影響之理論模型,並利用此模型呈現“設計方法”;其次則採用原案分析,分別進行以方法(觀察組)及直觀(對照組)為引導之設計認知對照實驗,一方面進行比較性之分析與推論。 研究結論得到可具體描述“方法”以及其資訊處理過程之KPI設計資訊處理模型,以及以方法引導之設計一般設計之間的差異,與其認知行為的一些特性。
Most of former studies in design thinking focused on the nature design, and tried to explore its design black box and realize its design cognition. On the contrary, researches in method-driven design were much less than that, and never discussed the design thinking of method-driven design as well as any appropriate model can present the its design cognition. This study attempts to discuss the method-driven design, to found a cognitive model, which can describe the construction of ‘method’, and explore the design process of method-driven design, to find out where are the differences between method-driven design and nature design in design cognition. The methodology of this study includes two parts. First, based on the information processing theory and the concept of visual thinking, a cognitive model was founded by reviewing the former studies to explain, “design method”. Moreover, it can express the operations of method and its influence in design cognition. Secondly, two cognitive experiments are proposed. The analysis including two coding schemes is proposed later. At the end of this paper, some phenomena of applying knowledge between both two sides as well as its implications will be revealed raised on the analysis of the empirical data.
Appears in Collections:Thesis