標題: 金門地區地下水污染潛勢分析研究
Analysis of the Ground Water Pollution Potential in Kinmen
作者: 洪瑛鈞
Ying-Chun Hung
Hsing-Yu Shan
關鍵字: 金門;kinmen
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 在現代化社會中,地下水質會受到來自於自然界與人類活動的衝擊,不當的排放廢水及污染土壤皆會造成地下水的污染。但是地下水污染事件大多未能事先察覺,而直到飲用水水質已確實受到危害後才警覺到地下水已遭受到污染;而且地下水一但遭受污染,大多無法探知其污染源且復育困難,所以對於地下水污染的預防及防治顯得更為重要。 金門地區先天上水資源缺乏,所以地下水使用率非常高,其中民生用水即佔公共給水百分之四十五以上,故對掌握整個地下水水位狀況及水質狀況相當重要。 本研究收集金門地區地下水文及地質資料,利用美國水井協會配合美國環保署所提出之DRASTIC地下水污染模式評估系統,以分析出金門地區地下水污染潛勢指標值,並利用金門地區土地使用情形建立風險評估模式,配合目前地下水狀況,以建立金門地區地下水監測網觀測系統,並評選出應優先設立之前十五區;最後利用金門地區地下水污染潛勢指標值提出對於金門地區地下水管理之建議。
In a modernized and developed district, ground water is easily impacted by human and natural activities, such as improper discharge of wastewater and improper disposal of solid wastes. It is also difficult to uncover the contamination of ground water unless the quality of water extracted from wells shows significant changes in physical properties. Furthermore, once ground water is contaminated, it is difficult to detect the source of contamination and, consequently, conduct a successful remediation in most cases. In Kim-man district, the rate of ground water usage is very high due to the congenital lack of water resource. The quantity of water for domestic purpose is above forty-five percents of total public water supply. Therefore, it is important for the government agencies to keep track of the ground water quality. This research collects hydrologic and geologic data of Kim-man district. By using the `DRASTIC` model established by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in association with American Well Association, the contamination potential index of ground water in Kim-man is established. The results could be used as a basis for establishing a ground water monitoring program. Fifteen locations with highest DRASTIC score are selected as sites for install the ground water monitoring wells. In addition, risk assessment by incorporating additional information on the land development plan could also be performed in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis