標題: 晶圓製造廠訂單抵換訂價機制之構建
The Construction of Pricing Mechanism for Order Exchange in Wafer Fabrication
作者: 莊佳蒨
Chia-Chien, Chuang
Shu-Hsing Chung
關鍵字: 晶圓製造廠;訂單抵換;產能定價;抵換價格;capacity pricing;order exchange pricing;order exchange;wafer fabrication
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 由於資訊的不透明,常會造成企業銷貨預測與市場實際需求有所差異。如何妥善因應顧客因策略更動而提出之插換單需求,快速評估生產面與成本面變動,制定合適的抵換方案及換單價格,將是企業追求服務品質提升,維持系統最終獲利所必需考量的一項重要因子。
Because of information uncertainty, there is often a variance between sales forecast and real market demand. How to respond to the need of order exchange from customers, to analyze the impact to production and cost, and to design an appropriate order exchange plan and order exchange price, have become an important task for enterprises in pursuing higher service quality and ultimate profit maximization.
To solve the above problems, this thesis will base on a systematic viewpoint to propose a pricing mechanism for order exchange in wafer fabrication. When a wafer manufacturer faces an order exchange demand from a customer, it can base on the production characteristics and capacity of the fab to proceed an appropriate adjustment. By both satisfying customer demand and maintaining system stabilization, the mechanism will help determine an order exchange price of inserting order so that a higher profit can be achieved.
This thesis will base on the management concept of theory of constraint (TOC) and use critical resources as our monitoring emphasis. Three modules are introduced for the pricing mechanism:
1. Capacity pricing module – Based on the allocation of system conversion cost, process of each planned order and the capacity usage, it estimated first the unit capacity usage cost of each critical resource. Next, bottleneck dynamics method will be applied to calculate the compensation cost of reducing queueing time because of higher priority based on an order’s urgency factor and value-added factor of higher priority. Then, all cost factors will be summarized to get the capacitated cost of each priority order. Based on markup method, the basic capacity price for each order can be determined.
2. Order exchange pricing module – When facing an order exchange need, a preliminary order nominee list will be obtained based on the analysis of order exchange mechanism proposed by Kuo[24] and the capacity loading comparison of critical resources. Next, factors such as priority levels of orders, capacity supply and demand of bottleneck machines, releasing time of nominee orders, difference among product families, basic price of nominee order, and exhausted capacity cost, will be considered to find the most appropriate order exchange plan. Then, based on the change of capacity and cost due to order exchange activity, an exchange price of inserting order will be determined.
3. Order exchange evaluation module – Based on the order exchange plan, a rescheduling will be proceeded, and performance evaluation is conducted.
The simulation results showed that pricing mechanism for order exchange not only can reflect the impact of priority level to queueing time into the basic order price, it can also search an appropriate order exchange option quickly and determine the order exchange price. For the production system, the overall performance and net income can be protected by the order exchange plan, and the profit of order exchange can be realized.