Title: 國內民用航空安全查核制度之研究
Review and Design a Safety Inspection System for Domestic Civil Aviation
Authors: 林維宏
Wei-Hung Lin
Jinn-Tsai Wong
Keywords: 飛安;查核制度;aviation safety;inspection system
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究以民航局查核運作為探討主體,針對飛安查核之制度面進行探討。藉由國內外飛安查核相關議題之回顧整理,得知整體飛安查核系統中應包含國際民航組織、民航主管機關以及航空運輸業者;三者間除上對下的監督關係外,還包括協助合作之關係,以創造良好之互信基礎與營造健全之飛安環境。就飛安查核制度之內涵來說,經歸納查核體系中飛安查核之要項,得以定義出飛安查核制度應具備要素包括法規、組織、人力、手冊、程序、分析等6項,本研究特別針對其中查核組織、執行人力以及運作程序進行探討;並就查核作業分為工作預劃、實際執行、結果分析等三個階段,分別依其欲達成之目的來制訂查核制度之內容。三階段之目的依序為:(1)充分整合飛安查核資源並予以妥善分配、(2)落實工作預劃階段規劃之作業並提供足以信賴及可供分析之資料予結果分析階段、(3)藉由缺失分析資訊之回饋對整體系統進行改善。 民航局現階段尚未能針對飛安查核制度建立完整系統性架構,與飛安查核相關之規範乃是散見於各法規文件中。藉由本研究之綜整並將飛安查核制度系統化展開後,經由查核架構與查核三階段作業之結合,對民航局之查核制度現況進行整理與檢討,得出18項國內目前飛安查核制度之缺失。最後則針對個別制度缺失進行改善措施之研擬,綜整出改進後之飛安查核制度之全貌。
The study focuses on the inspecting operations and the associated institutions of Civil Aeronautics Administration. From previous studies, it is known that a comprehensive aviation safety inspection hierarchy should include International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO), Civil Aviation Authority(CAA), and air carriers. Besides the monitoring function, these three parties are cooperative so that a well-organized aviation safety environment could be established. Six important items are identified in an aviation safety inspection system. There are: regulation law, organization, personnel, guidance, procedure, and analysis. Organization, personnel and procedure are specifically emphasized in this paper. Of the procedure, it includes three phases: pre-planning phase, enforcing phase, and analyzing phase. Their objectives are: (1)to assemble the aviation resources and allocate them adequately, (2)to carry out the mission assigned in pre-planning phase, and to provide reliable and analyzable information to analyzing phase, (3)to improve the overall system through the feed back of failure analysis, respectively. Civil Aeronautics Administration doesn’t establish well systematic structure yet at present. Lots of aviation safety inspection regulations are scattered to the whole system. The study compares systematically the differences between desirable and real phenomenon. Eighteen failures are found. Corresponding solutions to individual failure are brought out. Finally a draft of the aviation safety inspection system was sketched.
Appears in Collections:Thesis