標題: 台灣PDA產業組合策略與政策之研究
Portfolio and Policy Analysis of Taiwan's PDA Industry
作者: 闕沼鋒
Chao-Feng Chueh
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 資訊家電;個人數位助理;產業組合分析;產業創新需求要素;政策工具;Information Appliances (IA);Personal Digital Assistants (PDA);Industrial Portfolio Analysis;Industrial Innovation Requirements (IIRs);Policy Instruments
公開日期: 2001
摘要: PDA為眾多IA產品中的重要應用之一,結合無線通訊與電子商務,未來在台灣的發展將無可限量。本研究以產業組合模式(Industrial Portfolio Model)分析我國PDA產業之發展方向與創新需求要素,並建議政府在發展PDA產業各階段中所應支援之產業政策。 本研究將整體PDA產業分成三個區塊,分別為一般用途、全球華文市場和元件等三種,並進行研究分析。其主要架構以產業組合分析模式為基礎,設計出PDA產業組合分析模式,其定位構面縱軸係我國PDA產業的策略群組,而橫軸為PDA產業價值鏈。本研究在研究方法上採取文獻分析、專家訪談與專家問卷調查,而在統計方法上兼採有母數統計與無母數統計方法以進行小樣本專家問卷之統計推論。 本研究結果顯示,目前PDA產業若以一般用途(General Purpose)來定位,則策略上以營運效能領導者為主,而在產業價值鏈上則是橫跨了設計/創新、製造/代工、行銷/服務,為垂直整合的型態,未來的策略將走向親密顧客服務導向。而目前PDA若以全球華文市場來定位,則策略上以營運效能領導者為主,而在產業價值鏈上則是橫跨了設計/創新、製造/代工、行銷/服務,為垂直整合的型態,未來的策略將走向產品領導者。最後,PDA若以元件來定位,則作業系統位於設計/創新與產品領導者,未來將走向行銷/服務與產品領導者。而應用軟體、CPU/晶片組、儲存設備和螢幕等大多位於設計/創新、製造/代工和營運效能領導者、親密顧客服務導向之間,未來將走向設計/創新與產品領導者。 根據產業創新需求要素與政策目標,歸納出台灣若要要發展PDA產業,首先必須加強科學與技術開發、教育與訓練及政策性措施等政策工具,具體推動策略包括鼓勵研究單位成立研究實驗室、加強產官學研的合作機制、以優惠研發補助來鼓勵創新專案、設立一套鼓勵措施以吸引國外專門的研發人員回國服務等。在政府的財政體系上,政府須推動融資貸款的優惠和建立有效率且透明度高的金融市場,並且獎勵PDA的投資抵減。另外,亦須建立風險性創投和完善的金融管理法令及募集資金的機制。
Personal digital assistants (PDA) represent an emerging product category for daily use, and its market potential is growing rapidly. In the foreseeable future, PDA is expected to combine with other digital computing devices, such as PC, handsets, and smart phone to form a powerful communication tool. This thesis reports on a portfolio analysis for strategic development for Taiwan’s PDA industry. We segment the PDA industry into three sectors, namely, the general-purpose applications, the global Chinese market, and the component markets. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensional analysis, in which the strategic groping and the value chain are used, respectively, for the vertical and horizontal axes. Three research methods are used for data collection, which include literature review, expert interview, and general survey. A SWOT analysis is also presented to describe the risks and opportunities for Taiwan to develop the industry. Evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and policy goals leads to a recommendation that the most critical categories of policy instruments be Scientific and Technical Development, Education, and Political. The policy priority should include encouraging research institutes to establish related research labs, promoting projects collaboration between the academia and industry, R&D subsidies to encourage more innovations, and managing to attract the overseas professional to join the industry. In addition, government should help build up an efficient financial market and encourage investments in the PDA industry. Besides, incubator centers and effective financial laws are also important for Taiwan to develop the industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis