標題: 銷售與拒絕情境下心理量表的發展與評量-以壽險業務員為例
Scale development and evaluation under selling and rejection situations for insurance salespeople
作者: 鍾燕宜
Yen Yi Chung
Cherng George Ding
關鍵字: 心理量表;傳史;控制源;拒絕;歸因風格;行動控制;壽險業務員;scale;biography;locus of control;rejection;attributional style;action control;insurance salespeople
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 為提昇量測效度,愈多學者提議量表的編製應考慮特定情境,而非一般情境。本論文即針對特定銷售情境事件,以壽險業務員為觀察對象,發展四項心理量表,包括1.「傳史量表」(Biographical Inventory):衡量業務員個人傳史之人員甄選量表;2.「銷售工作控制源量表 (Sales Locus of Control Scale)」:衡量業務員在銷售情境下內控、運控與他控之性格量表;3.「拒絕歸因風格量表」(Rejection Attributional Style Scale):衡量業務員在銷售被拒情境下之歸因風格量表;及 4.「拒絕行動控制量表」(Rejection Action Control Scale):衡量業務員在銷售被拒情境下之行動控制取向量表。研究結果顯示,在嚴謹的信度及效度評量下,完成四項心理量表的開發,支持銷售與拒絕情境之心理量表適用於業務員的主張。另外,在比較信度與效標關聯效度方面,四項銷售情境量表的表現優於一般情境之普遍化量表,亦支持特定情境編製量表可以提高量測效度的主張。最後,本文並就上述四種心理量表在實務管理上的應用與後續學術研究,提供若干建議。
To enhance validities of measurements, many researchers have suggested that situation-specific instruments should be developed. Four scales, called Biographical Inventory (BI), Sales Locus of Control Scale (SLCS), Rejection Attributional Style Scale (RASS), and Rejection Action Control Scale (RACS), have been developed and evaluated in this study for insurance salespeople to measure their psychological constructs during sales activities. Results indicated that reliabilities, construct validities and most criterion-related validities of the scales are supported. Results also indicated that reliabilities and criterion validities of the situational scales are generally better than those of general scales. Therefore, BI, RASS, RACS, and SLCS are highly recommended. The usefulness of these scales has been discussed and suggestions for further study given.