標題: 網路教學在基本力學上之應用
Application of Web-based Instruction in Mechanics
作者: 薛煌仕
Huang-Shih Hsueh
關鍵字: 網路教學;基本力學;Web-based Instruction in Mechanics
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 在這日新月異的時代中,一般枯燥乏味的教科書已無法吸引學生們的注意力與好奇心,尤其是土木這種理工的學問,更常常令人望之而卻步。本研究中在架設一力學網路教學網站,提供各種力學上的學習互動功能,以吸引學生的注意,使有興趣的學生都可以藉此有另一種學習的選擇。 本研究主要以ASP作為客戶端與伺服端的互動連結,加上Photoimpact8.0與Flash MX所繪出客戶端炫麗的動畫效果,最後利用Frontpage和Dreamwaver加以整合而成。其中除了改善了一般書本上呆板死硬的靜態圖片及解說外,更有知識整合的作用,以超連結的方式將相關的資訊呈現在新的網頁上,使學生在閱讀上能縮短尋找的時間,更能達到連貫學習的效果。除此之外,授課者更可以利用線上作業或線上考試以得知學生之學習狀況;而學生有問題亦可在討論區中加以詢問或討論。本研究便依此互動式的學習為重點,以網站教學方式應用在基礎力學上,藉以作為以後力學教學之參考學習之用。
In the era of computer, most students are difficult to be attracted by traditional textbooks especially in civil engineering. How to fascinate students with teaching materials is the main purpose in this thesis. To achieve this aim, clear describing, spectacular visual effects and the interaction between instructor and students are needed. Hence, building an interactive computer aided instructiong website is chosen to facilitate the problems. The subject of the research is to establish an interactive web-based instruction site in elementary mechanics. The technique of ASP (Active Server Prescript) is utilized to handle the connection between a host and clients. To obtain more attractive visual effects of the website, software such as Photoimpact8 and Flash MX are used. Frontpage and dreamwaver are utilized to integrate the contents of the web. Students can learn more interesting knowledge instead of the boring one on textbooks. Teaching materials can be integrated well by hyperlink to make studying easily and efficiently. Examinations on-line shorten the time for teachers to comment on and correct as well as make good understanding of the learning for students rapidly. Students can also discuss with each other on the message board of our website.
Appears in Collections:Thesis