標題: 基礎力學網路學習教材製作
Course for Web-Based Learning od Engineering Mechanics
作者: 陳恆孝
Heng-hsiao Chen
Chang-You Lin
關鍵字: 網路教學;多媒體應用;全球資訊網;e-learning;multimedia;world wide web
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 土木工程,這門學問給一般人的印象不外乎有點生硬﹔大部分都在探討理論的問題。要學的好學的精需要很大的功夫以及努力,可是也未必得到應有的效果!所以此研究的動機在於希望學習這門專業科目時,能夠以生動活潑的方式來分析說明可以大大減少花費的時間,增加學習的意願,進而達到事半功倍的效果。而生動活潑的方式則是利用動態的分析步驟代替傳統靜態的思考模式。  近年來,網際網路蓬勃發展,其影響已遍及各行各業,而相關應用也早已融入人們日常生活中。隨著資訊科技快速發展,網際網路已成為許多人生活不可缺少的一部份,全球資訊網 (word wide web ,WWW)結合、多媒體應用於教學上,形成網路教學的全新教學方式;這些教學方式將教學活動從教室、學校外,透過網路來進行雙向互動、溝通、函授、與學習,目前較多被普遍採用的是全球資訊網教學系統,是把多媒體教材放在伺服器上,讓學習者透過網路依個別的學習需求進行學習。 本研究中架設設材料力學網路教學網站,提供各種材料力學上的學習功能,吸引學生的注意,使有興趣的學生都可以藉此有另一種學習的管道。本研究主要是用Flash MX 所繪出炫麗的動畫效果,加上Photoimpact8.0最後利用Frontpage,整合而成,改善了一般教科書上死硬無趣的靜態圖片及解說外,更具有整合專業知識的作用,並以超連結的方式將相關的資訊利用網頁呈現的方式,使學生在閱讀上能縮短尋找的時間,更能達到連貫學習的效果。本研究便依此學習目的為重點,以網站教學方式應用在基礎材料力學上,以作為以後教學之參考之用。
Application of computer network has bloomed in recent years. It has made an influence on all walks of life. It does change everybody’s daily life. Learning through the computer network is the new way for students. Mechanics are a very traditional field in engineering, especially for Civil engineering. It seems to make an impression of difficulty learning on ordinary people. How to fascinate students with teaching materials for mechanics is the main purpose in this research. By the technique of animation, building an interesting interactive computer aided instructing material is made to facilitate the problems. The subject of the research is to establish the courseware for web-based learning of engineering mechanics. To obtain more attractive visual effects of the learning material, software such as Photoimpact8.0 and FlashMX are Applied. Frontpage are utilized to integrate the contents of the web. Students can learn more interesting knowledge instead of the boring one on textbooks. Teaching materials can be integrated well by hyperlink to make studying easily and efficiently.


  1. 651701.pdf
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