標題: 線上遊戲虛擬資產的交易活動分析及安全機制設計
Activity Analysis and Security Mechanism Design for Trading Online-Gaming Virtual Property
作者: 陳英傑
Chen, Ying-Chieh
Hwang, Jing-Jang
關鍵字: 線上遊戲;虛擬資產;交易糾紛;犯罪;物件內容;所有權;online-gaming;virtual property;trading dispute;crime;object content;ownership
公開日期: 2009
摘要:   近年來,線上遊戲的熱絡帶動起虛擬資產交易市場的蓬勃發展,讓虛擬資產的買賣成為新興的商業活動之一。然而,虛擬資產交易活動衍生出許多交易糾紛與犯罪的問題,其中又以虛擬資產交易詐騙案件為數最多,不少是買家已付款但未收到貨品、貨品的屬性內容與賣方所刊登的出售訊息不符、或疏忽買到贓物或膺品,致使遊戲帳號遭遊戲業者凍結,或遊戲參與者涉及贓物罪遭司法調查等情事發生,造成以買賣虛擬資產為標的之交易糾紛與犯罪問題層出不窮。




In recent years, the popularity of online-gaming has stimulated the development of virtual property market and instigated the trading of virtual property into a new commercial activity. However, the virtual property market has derived many trading disputes and crime problems. Among them, the trading fraud occupies the largest portion of the online-gaming criminal cases. For instance, some buyers have already paid but did not receive the merchandise, or the attribute and content of the merchandise were inconsistent with the advertising information provided by the seller, or the stolen or counterfeit goods were bought due to negligence. Such dispute and fraud may lead the game account to be frozen by the game operator, or the game players involved in bribes and other abuses of receiving stolen property were under investigation by the local jurisdiction. All these trading disputes and crime issues have growing at an amazing rate and appeared endless.

After intensively studying the crime problems of online-gaming and the derived trading safety problems of virtual property, we have found that the most important factor is insufficiency of the related protection mechanism of virtual property and the lack of standardization of the description guidelines. In fact, the nature of the virtual property is a collection of a set of digital data 0 and 1, which is self-designed and set up by each game designer or operator. Basically it has the characteristics of being easy to copy, modify, forge, and delete. Plus the existing trading platform only advertises a limited description of the for-sale virtual property with the text or picture illustrations by the seller, there is no credible supporting documentation to clarify the source, contents, attribute value changes, ownerships, and trading records of the virtual property. Therefore, the buyers are often under situation with insufficient or mismatch information, resulting in the detection and prevention of trading disputes and crime problems hardly to be improved effectively.

To address the problems stated above, this dissertation analyzes actual trading activities in the online-gaming virtual property market. Using the entity-relationship model, this study also derives the entity types required by virtual property trading and relationship types—and their attributes—for different entity types. By elucidating the entity type and dividing it into ten sub-entity-relationship models, this study explains the abstract data architecture of the database based on the concept of entity types and their relationship types. The relationship diagram of entity types is also utilized to diagrammatically express the entity set, relationship set, attributes, and the primary key content in the database. This helps specify the design content of the entity-relationship model of the online-gaming virtual property market.

In reference to the supply chain electronic pedigree, towards the end of this study, we propose an innovative document architecture and security management mechanism for electronic pedigree of virtual property. This study then establishes an information architecture that identifies virtual property object sources, historical records of attribute value changes, past ownership replacements, trading content, and the latest attribute value. Additionally, combining the entity-relationship model of the trading activities of virtual property with the electronic pedigree makes it possible to derive a virtual property vocabulary and expression, with the extensible makeup language (XML) the expression language. The model in this study allows government agencies, game operators, and trading system operators to use the criteria expression of object content, trading, and electronic pedigree of virtual property to follow the expression design.

The vocabulary and expression of the virtual property content, trading, and the electronic pedigree, can also allow game operators to provide sufficient trading information to both parties in virtual property trading, thereby redressing the existing problem of information asymmetry. The proposed virtual property expression allows game players, trading systems, and game platform to consistently interpret expression information in the future. This is beneficial to virtual property trading and circulation and helps game operators treat virtual property as consumer goods, flourishing commercial activities of virtual property. The application of a virtual property electronic pedigree is expected to reduce the problems of trading disputes and crime, settle the issue of stolen and counterfeit goods, supplement existing security and insufficient gaming historical record issues, and provide diversified trading credentials for virtual property. After game players obtain a virtual property electronic pedigree, game operators and trading system operators will be compelled to protect game players who hold virtual property, thus producing a more secure trading environment for online-gaming virtual property.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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