Title: 友達光電之個案研究
A Case study of AUO Company
Authors: 吳皓熙
Hao Hsi Wu
Hsiao Cheng Yu
Keywords: 關鍵成功因素;核心能力;競爭優勢;垂直整合;Key Success Factor;Core Cmpetencies;Competitive Advantage;Verticle Integration
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 近年來,台灣的PC及半導體產業優勢逐漸衰退,而TFT-LCD產業則逐漸擴充發展。在「聯日抗韓」的策略運用下,台灣TFT-LCD產業有挑戰全球霸主-南韓的架勢,隨著第五代廠陸續投產,使這場世紀爭霸戰更加激烈。 2002年底友達光電在龍潭廠公開展示國內第一片由五代廠試產成功的玻璃基板半成品,正式提昇台灣光電產業技術在全球產業中的競爭力。因為21世紀的消費市場追求輕薄短小,多采多姿,促使各種平面顯示技術必須不斷的研發創新。例如TFT-LCD、LTPS、STN-LCD、OLED、PDP等新銳技術就逐一誕生,創造了人類嶄新的視覺體驗。身為國內光電產業第一大廠的友達光電,要如何在國內、國外競爭激烈的現實環境中採取必要的因應策略,以降低營運成本、拓展國內外市場,培訓優秀人才、研發新銳產品、增加公司產值,保持競爭優勢及領先地位,乃是目前重要課題。 本論文深入研究友達公司在合併前達□科技和聯友光電兩公司的產業特色、合併背景及合併後的經濟效益,並探討目前國內、國外有關平面顯示器的產業概況及未來世界趨勢,最後再提出經營策略及改進之道。
The TFT-LCD industry is growing at a faster pace than the PC and the semiconductor industries in Taiwan in recent years. With agreements of technology transfer from Japanese technology companies, Taiwan’s TFT-LCD manufacturers invested huge amount of capital to expand production capacities in order to compete against Korean manufacturers such as Samsung. The competition in both domestic and international markets is becoming fiercer than ever. In late 2002, the successful launch of AU’s fifth generation plant enhanced Taiwan’s competitiveness in the global TFT-LCD industry. This implied that the research and development of display technologies is important to satisfy the demands of customers. AU, the leading company in Taiwan’s TFT-LCD industry, tried to sustain its competitive advantages and market leading position by capacity expansion, cost reduction, strategic alliance with key component suppliers, market expansion, R&D personnel training, and new product developments. This thesis studied the characteristics of the TFT-LCD industry and described the current competition and future trends of global TFT-LCD market. The strengths, opportunities and the competitive strategies of the merger of ADT and Unipac into AU were analyzed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis