標題: 快速人種誌研究方法應用於產品開發之使用需求研究
The Application of Rapid Ethnography to Explore the User’s Need of New Products Development: the Case Study of Digital Learning Product for Elementary School Students.
作者: 王思如
Shih-Ju Wang
Ming-Chen Chuang
關鍵字: 人種誌研究方法;活動理論;劇本法;數位學習產品;rapid ethnography;activity theory;scenario;e-learning products
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 數位產品不同於傳統工業設計產品的開發,有許多過去的使用經驗可供參考,所以近幾年來,工業設計應用人類學的人種誌研究方法於產品設計的研究上,來有效瞭解目標使用者的需求。但是人種誌研究方法的使用,卻一直沒有以明確、有系統的方式,提供工業設計作為研究的工具。本研究的目的在於,透過─國小高年級學童數位學習之需求探討,規劃一套應用於產品設計之系統性人種誌研究方法,提供工業設計作為研究的工具。 本研究透過兩階段的田野調查,了解國小高年級學生的學習狀況。第一階段田野調查的主要目的,是初步了解現今小學生在學校的作息概況,以及反應出第二階段的田野調查規劃的需要。第二階段田野調查主要針對特定課程施行的觀察,來了解學生學習過程中發生的活動。本研究透過參與觀察,獲得學生在課堂上活動的觀察記錄;透過家長以家庭紀錄工具,蒐集學生在家學習的家庭記錄;以及針對學生的學習用品做書包的內容調查。 本研究將田野調查的資料,經由初步的分析與歸納,匯整出幾項活動的主題。接著透過學習活動的矩陣圖做活動分類。將分類好的活動,以活動理論的方式做活動元素的解析。最後歸結出的數位學習產品設計方針,並透過劇本法勾勒出產品的使用情境。 本研究最後歸結─快速人種誌研究與分析模式,並以此模式分析國小學童的學習潛在需求,歸納出六項「小學生數位學習產品」的設計訴求:資料數位化、寓學習於遊戲、場域性的設備、穿戴式設計、創意的使用、產品個人化。
Unlike design development of conventional industrial products, that of digital products has less past experience to consult. Therefore, in recent years, industrial designers have tried to implement ethnography in user behavior research to have deeper understanding on users' needs. However, the application of ethnography to industrial design has not been well developed as an efficient and systematic tool. The purpose of this research is to establish a systematic model of applying ethnography to product research through the case study of investigating the digital learning needs of elementary school students of high grade. This research is composed of two stages of field survey to understand the learning situation and behavior of elementary school students of high grade. The goal of the first stage field survey is to find out the general study behavior pattern of elementary students' at school, and also to reveal critical facts for assisting the design of the second stage field survey. The second stage field survey is mainly focused on the observation of the action, interaction and behavior of students and teacher in a specific course to understand the activities occurred in their learning process. This study obtained the in-class activities record of the students through the observation survey, and collected the in-home learning activities record of the students from the record taken by the parents with the home record tool. Moreover, this study has explored the content in satchels to analyze the common learning supplies and tools or other items carried by the students to school. By analyzing and generalizing the information collected from the field surveys, this research has identified learning activities of elementary school students of high grade and concluded some critical issues related to these activities. We then classify the activities into a map of learning matrix. The activities were further analyzed by using the scheme of activity theory. From this analysis, the specification of a e-learning product for elementary school students of high grade has been summarize and been demonstrated through a scenario, whereas six design guidelines of the product have been revealed: digitize the data, study in the playing, equipments in the place, wearable design, using originally, and uniqueness. Finally, based on the case study, a model of applying rapid ethnography in product design research has been proposed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis