標題: 行動數據服務產業之關鍵成功因素與商業模式分析
An industry analysis of key success factors of the mobile data services
作者: 莊東儒
Andrew D. Juang
Dr. Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 行動上網;行動數據服務產業;關鍵成功因素;個案研究;Aaker產業分析;i-mode;3G服務;因子分析、服務平台;Mobile internet;Mobile data service industrial;key success factors;Aaker’s industrial analysis;i-mode;3G services;factor analysis
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究內容的包括四個部分:1.行動通訊服務產業之組成與動態2.行動數據服務產業之關鍵成功因素3.個案i-mode其行動上網商務模式之內涵與競合活動4.建構行動數據服務之營運模式與系統業者之因應策略。希望可以藉由此研究達到下列目的1.分析整個行動數據服務產業的價值鏈與市場概況2.整理出行動數據服務產業之主要關鍵成功因素3.彙整行動數據服務產業之因應策略與各業者間較佳的營運模式。在產業動態的部分,藉由產業分析構面方法以歸納行動數據服務產業之特色,接著利用相關國內外文獻,對行動數據服務產業之關鍵成功因素相關資料進行整理,歸納出『行動數據服務產業』之主要七大關鍵成功因素構面。最後以系統業者為主軸探討其因應策略及營運模式,最後針對系統業者之因應策略提出平台中介者之建議。
This thesis reports on an analysis of industry’s key success factors of Mobile Data Services. A conceptual framework, based on Aaker’s theory of industrial key successful factors, was used, and a statistical analysis of the secondary data was performed to vividify the results.
As a result of complexity and burgeoning nature of the industry, it seems necessary that we ascertain criteria leading to successful maneuvering of industry competition. One criterion of prime importance is the industry’s key success factors. Through an intensive interview and survey, it was possible, to obtain those factors responsible for the future successfulness at the firm level.
Key success factors are categorized based on a conceptual framework of networked operations and platforms. Three different platforms are analyzed, namely, technology platform, monetary platform and marketing platform. Technology platform integrates current and future mobile data technologies for new serice launching, while marketing platform helps assess future market trends and technology-market match, and monetary platform acts as an interface which completes the value chain of the industry.
Results show that standardization is a key driver for firms to launching entry to the markets Mobile Data Services, whereas product differentiation plays a critical role for future expansionary strategy share. New applications have emerged and proliferated quickly as the industry is evolving toward the growth stage.