Title: 半導體通路商期末吃貨問題之探討
The Analysis of the Forward Buying Problem for Semiconductor Distributor
Authors: 王忠興
Dr. Ching En Lee
Keywords: 半導體通路商;晶圓代工;IC設計;運籌系統;吃貨;distributor;foundry;design house;logistics system;forward buying
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 半導體在過去的二十年間,對台灣的經濟成長扮演了推波助瀾的關鍵角色。在晶圓代工廠與IC設計公司的合作模式形成之後,半導體產業更呈現跳躍式的成長。近來的IT、通信產業不只搭上了半導體科技發展的順風車(成本的有效降低),更帶動了半導體產業的創新。在產業聚落中,常常容易被忽略的半導體通路商,則扮演了連結上下游的重要角色。
Semiconductor has been playing a key role of economic growth in Taiwan for last two decades. With the advent of foundry and design houses, semiconductor even grew at the speed of quantum leap. IT and communication not only take advantage of the technology of semiconductor (continuous cost-down) but also motivate the innovation of semiconductor. Among the players of aforementioned industries, an easy-neglected middleman who acts as the connection between these two parties is the semiconductor distributor.
Due to the complication of distributor who has to meet the requirement of its vendors and customers, it has equipped with full-fledged logistics system including merchandise flow, fund flow, and information flow. Amongst all logistics issues distributor has to face everyday, we list four major ones distributor ought to address more deliberately. They are lower profit margin, longer payment term requiring better services, and finally vendor always asking forward buying at quarter end. This article will only elaborate how distributor deal with the forward buying issue since it is the very unique nature of distribution business. Through the research we found out that the forward buying could be part of the function within SCM as long as we do not misuse or overuse. Furthermore, if distributor can manage it deliberately it can lead to very profitable business if the market reverses.
Appears in Collections:Thesis