標題: 台灣主機板產業整合效率之研究---資料包絡分析法之應用
Efficiency Analysis of Integration for Motherboard Industry in Taiwan --- An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
作者: 李坤興
Kuen-Hsing Lee
Shing-Ko Liang
關鍵字: 資料包絡分析法;效率;整合;Data Envelopment Analysis;Efficiency;Integration
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 台灣主機板產業在全球化的競爭環境下,已面臨強大的挑戰,如何有效的評估與比較產業經營績效,以持續保持競爭優勢,已成為重大的課題。本研究採取資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis,簡稱DEA),針對台灣主要的18家主機板廠商,就其民國88年至90年之重要績效指標,進行連續多期績效分析,協助效率低落的廠商指出改善的參考標竿,並提出改善對策以提高效率、增加生產力。 其次,在「假設合併」的前提下,使用資料包絡分析法搭配多階式效率評選法及多階式最佳整合效率值變化排序法,計算各廠商整合之後的個體及產業之績效變化,以歸納出主機板產業的最適整8合組合。 由研究結果顯示: (1)高獲利之廠商,未必具有較高之經營績效。不能單純由經營規 模大小或獲利多寡來判斷該廠商績效的良窳,必須觀察其投入 轉換為產出之效率。 (2)全體廠商民國90年之平均總效率值為0.722,此代表近27%的成本 浪費,其中有12家廠商處在規模報酬遞增階段,可見廠商除了 要提升製造能力以提高效率之外,透過產業內之整合以達最適經 濟規模更值得重視。 (3)透過多階式效率評選法分析各效率等級廠商之153種可能整合之 效率變化,發現第一級效率前緣廠商的整合,最有助於效率提 升,非效率前緣廠商的整合則效率值會滑落。印證了產業大者恆 大的趨勢,次級廠商存活更形艱困。 (4)透過多階式最佳整合效率值變化排序法探討產業之最佳整合組 合,發現產業由18家廠商整合成11家,即可到達最佳生產效率, 進一步整合至9家廠商,始達最佳產業效率。 綜觀本研究之結果,不僅有系統的評估產業績效表現,提供改善對策,更為產業整合建構具備科學根據及分析邏輯之架構。
Under the circumstance of worldwide competition, Taiwan’s motherboard industry has faced a tremendous challenge. How to use effective evaluation and industry performance comparison for the sustaining of strategic advantages has become a critical topic. This research uses DEA method to evaluate the performance index, among 18 motherboard manufacturers in Taiwan from 1999 to 2001, by the method of DEA to assist the manufacturers of low performance in pointing out the reference set for performance improvement and proposing the policy for efficiency promotion and productivity increasing. Secondly, this research uses DEA for further discussing the topics of industrial integration, then concludes the most suitable combination. The research is concluded as follows. 1.The manufacturer with higher profit doesn’t guarentee higer efficiency. 2.Overall average efficiency of all manufacturers in 2001 is 0.722; it means 27% cost wastes. Meanwhile, among them there are 12 firms in the status of increasing return to scale. In other words, the mergence inside the industry should be paid more attention to. 3.Using the multi-frontier efficiency curves method to study these topics, it is found that the mergence among the 1st- level manufacturers would perform better than others. 4.Using the multi-level integration performance ranking method to study the optimal integration combination, it's found the industry will be optimal production efficiency while grouped to 11 firms, and optimal scale while grouped to 9 firms. In summary, this research provides for systematically measuring of efficiency of motherboard industry, improvement proposals and a framework of industry integration.