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dc.contributor.authorChien, chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsiao, chanen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究試圖回答:「賦權領導對價值共創之影響---跨層次的關鍵中介機制之探討」。本研究假設賦權領導者可激勵員工的工作潛能來影響員工與顧客間的價值共創,亦會藉由建立一個高效能人力資源管理實踐的制度,以及營造一個彼此樂意分享知識與促進高度創新氛圍的工作環境,從而驅使員工提高與顧客合作的動機與意願,進而提高合作所產生之價值共創,故本研究將以跨層次及關鍵中介機制之分析來切入探討價值共創的重要研究。本研究採取跨層次之線性模型,提出並證實了組織層次的賦權領導對個人層次的價值共創存在正向影響;此外,本研究亦提出並證實了組織層次的組織創新、個人層次的高效能人力資源管理實踐及知識分享可作為賦權領導與價值共創間的關鍵中介機制。本研究貢獻首先將價值共創作為整個研究的核心,提出並證實了賦權領導對其重要的正向影響效果,此超越了過去僅從賦權效果與顧客觀點對價值共創影響之探討,提出了賦權領導全面性的行為對價值共創之影響;此外,本研究提出並證實了賦權領導可透過組織創新、高效能人力資源管理實踐及知識分享作為完全關鍵中介機制來正向影響價值共創,這些完全關鍵中介機制將對價值共創領域之貢獻再進一步向前推進;最後,本研究採用了HLM統計分析來對價值共創進行跨層次之分析,不僅呼應了過去學者指出組織行為之研究探討唯有透過跨層次的分析並加入中介因子研究才能對研究有更精闢深入的全盤了解外,更並彌補過去價值共創之相關領域缺口。 關鍵詞: 跨層次分析、賦權領導、組織創新、高效能人力資源管理實踐、知識分享、價值共創zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research is to analyze how「A Multilevel, Multi-source Examination of Empowerment Leadership in Facilitation Value Co-creation.」 We assume that empower the employees could not only motivate them to work more efficiently, but also encourage them to have more value co-creation with customers. Also, developing the knowledge sharing and organization innovation circumstances in their working environment could increase the employees’ willingness and motivation to create value co-creation with customers. Therefore, this research analyzes the importance of value co-creation by studying the cross level crucial mediators. This study has adopted the Hierarchical Liner Modeling (HLM) of cross-level analysis, brought up and proved that empowerment leadership of organization level could have positive influence toward value co-creation of individual level; besides, this study has also brought up and proved that organizational level’s organization innovation, individual level high-involvement human resource practice and knowledge sharing could be the crucial mediator between empowerment leadership and value co-creation. First, the research contributions use value co-creation as core of resource, brought up and proved that empowerment leadership, including its overall behavior, could have positive influence to value co-creation, which exceed the previous studies that only consist of effect between empowerment and value co-creation, or only explore value co-creation from customers’ perspective. Second, the research brought up and proved that empowerment leadership could have positive influence toward value co-creation via organization innovation, high-involvement human resource practice and knowledge sharing. All these crucial mediators have moved the contributions of value co-creation related studies greatly forward. Lastly, the research has adopted the statistics analysis of Hierarchical Liner Modeling (HLM) to carry out the cross-level analysis of value co-creation. This is not only respond to the past research that it is the only way to penetrate organizational behavior by analyzing cross level and adding mediators, but also supplement the gap of value co-creation related studies. Key words: Cross-Level Analysis, Empowerment leadership, Organization innovation, High-involvement human resource practice, Knowledge sharing, Value co-creationen_US
dc.subjectCross-Level Analysisen_US
dc.subjectEmpowerment leadershipen_US
dc.subjectOrganization innovationen_US
dc.subjectHigh-involvement human resource practiceen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge sharingen_US
dc.subjectValue co-creationen_US
dc.title賦權領導對價值共創之影響 ---跨層次的關鍵中介機制之探討zh_TW
dc.titleExamination of Empowerment Leadership in facilitation Value co-creation ---a multi-level and mediating-effects modelen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis