標題: 半導體產業晶圓代工MRO系統建構之研究- 以A公司為例
Developing a MRO system for Foundry in Semiconductor Industry— An Example of A Company
作者: 張增麒
Chang, Zen-Chi
Huang, Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 半導體產業;晶圓代工;MRO;間接性物料管理;Semiconductor industry;Wafer Foundry;MRO;Indirect Material
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著科技產品的快速推陳出新,生命週期(Life cycle)也隨之大幅縮短,導致企業對於研發資本投資的回收期也跟著縮短,且可能面臨潛在滯銷的庫存風險,這些困境對於企業,無異是雪上加霜,增添了營運的挑戰與風險。再者,近年全球經濟更是接連受2008年金融風暴與2011年歐債事件之影響,企業受此數十年所僅見的經濟窘況,若無法持續強化自身產品的創新,並不斷提升成本競爭力,創造利潤空間,企業將難以存續。 本研究針對科技產業鏈上游的半導體產業晶圓代工的個案公司,為持續降低成本,增加企業競爭力,進行請購與採購全面改善的系統流程再造方案,建構MRO(Maintenance、Repair and Operations)採購管理系統的實務個案。MRO類採購是指非直接生產材料的採購,如辦公室用品、電腦設備、機器設備與廠房設施的保養、修理與運轉等服務,一般也稱為間接性物料(Indirect Materials)採購,因為種類與項目繁多,單項總金額不大,相關的廠商也很多,在時間與人力較難以管理,往往沒有花費太多的時間與人力,針對此部分進行管控。 研究發現,個案公司建構MRO採購管理系統後所產生的具體效益,包含大幅簡化請購與採購流程、提昇作業效率,並降低相關作業成本,同時,廠商也從中解決了請款作業的困擾,達到雙贏。提供其他企業欲強化MRO物料/服務的管理或建構MRO採購管理系統的參考方向,以及作為後續研究的參考價值。
ABSTRACT “Out with the old, in with the new” is the characteristic and the trend of 3C(Computer、Communication、Consumer Electronics), and in short squeeze of life-time caused business is more hard to recover the capital investment and faced the risk of dead stock. Furthermore, the global economic impacted by financial crisis in ‘08 and Euro debt crisis in ’11, leads to the business faced the worst economical situation during past decades. The business can’t survive if no any innovative production and continuous to slash cost to create its competitiveness. This research is case study of enterprise A which is focused on the wafer foundry of semiconductor industry of upstream supply chain in Taiwan. The company proposed the reengineering of purchasing process by constructing MRO(Maintenance、Repair and Operations) purchasing management system for the purpose of continuous cost down and enhanced the efficiency. Research shows the benefits included simplized the operational process of purchase、enhanced the efficiency and cost reduction. Besides, vendors also gained by settle the payment application issues to achieve one win-win solution. This research will be the reference for company which would like to enhance its MRO management, and the reference value of follow-up study.