Title: 臺灣造紙產業發展策略之分析研究
An Analysis of Development Strategy of Paper Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 劉宜芩
Liou, Yi-Chin
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: 造紙產業;品牌聯盟;創新策略;鑽石模型;Paper industry;Brand alliance;Innovation strategy;Diamond model
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 因應全球化之經濟型態改變,已由傳統工業經濟時代邁入知識經濟時代,臺灣造紙產業向來一直被視為是傳統產業的一部分,但其實造紙產業可視為衡量一國經濟景氣發展之重要指標之一。造紙用量的多寡,可以間接看出一個國家經濟發展及文化水平發展的程度,在已開發國家及開發中國家,對於造紙使用量增長的速度與其國內生產總值增長的速度亦呈現高度正相關,因此造紙產業景氣的循環也能做為判斷經濟景氣興衰的領先指標。經過數十年的工業經濟發展,臺灣地區造紙產業已發展成相當成熟且飽和的市場,然而目前臺灣造紙產業之環境也因國內多數產業外移,造成產業結構改變,再加上近年來國外進口用紙的傾銷、紙漿原物料成本上漲、勞力成本上揚及環保意識抬頭等情形下,臺灣造紙產業所面臨的競爭更加激烈。多數之造紙產品皆用於文化書籍、廣告宣傳單之印刷或民生消費產業及消費性電子產品之包裝造紙產品亦屬於中間包裝產品無法突顯自身之價值。因此本研究將依臺灣造紙產業發展概況及結構、創新策略、鑽石模型為探討,提出臺灣造紙產業可建立自有之品牌,與客戶產品包裝結合建立紙業品牌聯盟之策略及拓展造紙產業的價值創新,結合文化創意設計讓紙類產品可以研發應用於文化創意之產品,開創造紙產業之新應用市場。最後運用臺灣造紙業整合優勢建構造紙產業運籌中心,以提高造紙產品的價值及競爭能力,以創造發展出使臺灣造紙產業成為之樞紐地位。
The paper manufacture industry of Taiwan has always been viewed as traditional industry; however, the paper manufactory should be regards as a measure of the country’s economic development. The amount of paper usage can be indirectly seen the degree of development of a country's economic development and cultural level. The speed of paper usage rate is also a high positively related to the gross domestic product at a developing country or a development country. In fact, the paper manufactory industry can be a leading indicator to measure rise or fall of business cycle. After decades of economic growth in Taiwan, the paper manufactory industry has developed into a mature and saturated market. However, due to the industry outflow, dumping of imported paper pulp for foreign, raw material cost and labor costs rise, and environmental awareness arise, more intense competition and challenge are faced by the paper manufactory industry in Taiwan. Most paper products are used for books, printed advertising, package of living consumer goods, or consumer electronic products. However, the packaging products value is underestimated. Therefore, this study analyzes the paper manufactory industry development overview and structure of Taiwan, and innovation strategy, using the Diamond Model of Michael Porter. Therefore proposed that Taiwan Paper Industry may establish its own brand, product packaging combination with customers to establish Paper brand alliances and to expand the value of the paper industry innovation。And the paper manufactory industry combined with the cultural and creative design makes paper products can be applied to research and development of cultural and creative products, creating the new paper industry application market. We then propose to use the advantages of the paper industry to establish the logistic hub of the paper manufactory industry. In order to improve the value and competitiveness of paper manufactory products, this study suggests the paper manufactory of Taiwan to become a hub in the Asia-Pacific region.
Appears in Collections:Thesis