標題: 汽車客運業者使用電動車輛意向研究— 跨理論模式之應用
Applying Transtheoretical Model to Identify Factors Affecting Highway Passenger Carriers’ Electric Vehicle Usage
作者: 呂承澤
Lu, Cheng-Tse
Chang Hsin-Li
關鍵字: 跨理論模式;電動公車;汽車客運業;The Transtheoretical Model;Electric Bus;Bus Passenger Carriers
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 由於運輸部門的溫室氣體排放量太高,因此政府的施政目標之一為提升公共運輸使用率,同時推廣減少碳排的綠色運具。藉由交通部與經濟部的補助計畫,鼓勵汽車客運業業者換購電動公車,環保署期望於八年內可完全汰換老舊的柴油公車。然而汽車客運業業者換用電動公車之比例卻不高。本研究欲了解目前電動公車車輛之規格可以滿足業者之營運需求,且對政策的需求為何。期望未來作為協助政府推廣客運業者使用電動公車之目標。本研究使用跨理論模式進行分析,發現業者使用電動公車行為可分為無意圖期、準備期和使用期三階段。各階段的業者,皆認為使用電動公車可帶來好處。無意圖期的業者認為目前電動公車在使用上並無法滿足其需求,因此使用意願並不高;準備期的業者相對來說認為目前電動公車可滿足其營運上的需求;使用期的業者在實際使用電動公車後認為,電動公車並不如預期好用,因此未來再度採買電動公車的意願略低,在各構面的得分皆相對準備期的業者低。對於不同階段的業者,需使用不同類型的政策來促進其使用電動公車。
Since the transport sector greenhouse gas emissions are too high, so the government's policy objective is to improve public transportation usage, and promote the transportation modes which can reduce emissions. The subsidy program which provide by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Ministry of Economic Affairs of industry to encourage the bus carriers to redeem electric buses. The EPA expects to completely replace old diesel cars by electric buses within eight years. However, the bus carriers seem to do not want to use electric buses. This study wants to understand whether the current electric bus can meet the specifications of the vehicle's operational needs, and the needs of the policy involved. Expect to assist the Government to promote the use of electric buses. The Transtheoretical Model used in this study to analyze and find the use of electric bus carrier behavior can be divided into three periods. Various stages of the users view use electric buses can bring benefit. The users of precontemplation think that current electric buses are unable to meet their needs, so they are not willingness to use it; the users of preparation is much more confident that the current electric buses can meet its operational needs; the users of usage have already use the electric buses, but the buses are not as good as expected, reduce their willingness to re-but electric buses in the future, so scores slightly lower in each dimension then the user of preparation. The government should promote the electric buses by different types of policies in the different stages.
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