標題: 從物質到場所
From matter to place
作者: 吳昌祐
Wu, Chang-Yu
Chang, Chi-Yi
關鍵字: 物性;感知;材料;形式;策略;Property;Perceive;Material;Form;Strategy
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 從物質到場所 所謂物質是佔有空間和質量的東西,例如:水 空氣 固體 液體 氣體 等 所謂物質是客觀存在的一種物質存在 所謂物質是可以以視覺 嗅覺 及觸覺感應到的東西 我想透過物質,去探討人與環境最基本的關係是甚麼? 引述海德格:[空間是由區位吸收了他們的存有物,而不是由空間中獲取],意思是任何的場所所建構出的氛圍必定由它的周邊的物質所建構而成,而場所的特性也取決於[物]如何形成。 在現今不斷變動的時代裡,隨著經濟產業與生活機能的變換下,往往造成空間與場所的脫離。我認為場所都是由周圍的物質所構成,當機能消失時,場所理應還有其周圍環境的物質構成的特性,不會因為機能的消失而產生場所的瓦解,對於環境中所留下的物質,理應被重新建構與空間的關係 。 建築如何構成與場所之間的連結在於它對於環境的所存在之物質的觀察方式。 本論文透過三個案子,分別從三個不同的場所,研究其場所特性與物質之間的關係性,透過研究過程衍生出空間上的設計策略 ,包含(1)物質-- >材料(Keelung Entrance)(2)物質-- >歷史(Taiwan architecture center)(3)物質-- >城市(Taipei city museum) (1) 物質-- >材料 藉由材料物質性的研究以及操作過程,透過一系列的材料操作與研究,得到材料依據不同物性所產生的不同組構方式。本章節在從材料之間的關係性上,同時加入對於基地場所中的現象觀察與感知到的事物,試圖將兩著產生的關聯性對應到空間構築的策略,重新與場所產生連結。 (2) 物質-- >歷史 基地屬於一種邊界地帶,被高架橋與河流切割成一處密度極低的邊界地塊,也因此成為了堆砌遺跡的場所,隨著時間增長,形構出一種都市的邊界地貌,一種屬於歷史堆積的場所樣貌。本章節即在面對基地中存有的物質提出策略,從物質的尺度,構成方式與機能,提出結合空間的策略,透過對基地中的物質重新在被定義的狀況下,與場所重新產生連結,同時也回應建築文化的本質問題。 (3) 物質-- >城市 當我們想像城市是由眾多物質所組成的整體,透過分子的方式解析城市,便能從更小的維度去討論。由物質構成的場所,再由場所構成都市。 本章節透過對城市自然場所的觀察, 試圖從城市中的物質來尋找與自然之間的聯繫,並利用物質特性來象徵一種關係,透過這樣的關係建構出象徵台北城市的資訊載體與場所。
From Matter To Place Matter is something that consumes space and mass. For example, water, air, solid, liquid, and gas Matter is being in objectivity Matter is the sense of sight, smell, and touch I want to explore the basic relation between human and the environment through matter. “Spaces receive their being from locations and not from space“ quoted from Martin Heidegger. What he meant is that the surrounded matter determines the atmosphere built by the place. The characteristic of the place is also determined by how matter is formed. In this era which the economy and life function undergo changes constantly, space and place are departing from each other. I think place is constructed by the surrounding matter. When function disappears, place and the property of the surrounding matter would not crush. The remaining matter should reconstruct the relationship with space. How architecture constructs the link to places lies on the observation of the being matter in the environment. This essay studies three cases. From three different places, study the relationship between the property of place and matter and derive design strategy on space via the research, including: (1)matter -- > property (Keelung Entrance) (2)matter -- > memory (Taiwan architecture center) (3)matter -- > city (Taipei city museum) (1)matter -- > property (Keelung Entrance) By researching material property and the processing, and progressing a series of material, we get the different combination of structure. In this chapter, based on the relationship between materials, I also added observation from foundation, attempting to correspond the space strategy and link to the place. (2)matter -- > memory (Taiwan architecture center) Foundation belongs to boundary area. It is a low density area which is segmented by river and viaduct. Thus, it became a place for remains. Through out the years, it forms a boundary in the city, a historical relic. In this chapter, I propose strategy from the matter from the remains. From the measurement of matter, to forming method and function, propose a combination with space strategy. With the new definition of matter in foundation, re-link to place, and response to the nature problem of architecture culture. (3)matter -- > city (Taipei city museum) Imagine our city is a unity formed by miscellaneous matter. Via particle to analyze the city, we can discuss in detail; from matter to place then from place to city. In this chapter, through out the observation of the nature in the city, I attempt to find the link between matter in the city and nature and later use the property of matter to symbolize the relationship. It is the relationship that builds the information technology and place symbolize Taipei city.


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