標題: 一種帶通採樣抖動減噪接收器以及硬體實現
A novel jitter noise mitigating receiver for bandpass sampling and its hardware implementation
作者: 張庭禎
Chang, Ting-Zhen
Tsai, Shang-Ho
關鍵字: 帶通取樣;Bandpass sampling
公開日期: 2013
摘要: In this thesis, we investigate the performance of a band-pass sampling OFDM receiver and propose a new low-cost way to mitigate the effect of sampling uncertainty. Signal analysis and simulation results are provided for the proposed system. We observe the measurement result that proposed system can reduce the effect of sampling uncertainty. Besides, several hardware units are dedicated designs for the implementation. We implement the ADC PCB board for sampling RF signal and the proposed system is designed in a low-cost FPGA chip and can use a clock rate of 140MHz.
In this thesis, we investigate the performance of a band-pass sampling OFDM receiver and propose a new low-cost way to mitigate the effect of sampling uncertainty. Signal analysis and simulation results are provided for the proposed system. We observe the measurement result that proposed system can reduce the effect of sampling uncertainty. Besides, several hardware units are dedicated designs for the implementation. We implement the ADC PCB board for sampling RF signal and the proposed system is designed in a low-cost FPGA chip and can use a clock rate of 140MHz.
Appears in Collections:Thesis