標題: 溫室氣體排放調查與減量研究 -以某LED公司為例
The Investigation and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions – A Case Study of a LED Company
作者: 蔡雯琳
Tsai, Wen-Lin
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn
關鍵字: 溫室氣體;發光二極體;節能;溫室氣體減量;greenhouse gas;LED;energy saving;reduction of green house gas
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年氣候變遷問題受到重視,世界各地極端天災事件頻傳,除造成生命財產損失外,也讓各界了解到氣候變遷對於我們生活的影響是全面性的,『碳』議題儼然已是全面性的「人類安全」議題。隨著碳的發燒熱題來臨,節能減碳理念大幅提升,各式節能產品已是重要的新興產業,其中,照明行業以LED為最新課題,惟業界對LED各製程的溫室氣體排放源之鑑別、計算及後續的排放減量研究,是目前缺少的重要資訊。 本篇研究針對台灣北部某LED公司,比較並分析LED不同製程特性所排放的溫室氣體量差異,涵蓋LED從原物料至成品模組產出的生命週期,可更完整分析LED生產製造過程中所產出的溫室氣體種類及數量。研究的廠別及製程如下:(1) A廠:前段磊晶(Epi)、晶粒(Chip);(2) B廠:中段封裝(Package);(3) C廠:後段照明模組(Light Module)。 研究方法乃參照CNS14064-1標準與WBCSD/WRI溫室氣體盤查議定書之建議要求規劃設計,計算後發現在LED製造過程中,前段Epi、Chip製程佔總排放量68.1%,中段封裝製程佔11.1%,後段照明模組製程佔20.8%。若排除範疇二製程基本電力能源消耗以外,前段光電/半導體製程仍是LED製造過程中溫室氣體最主要排放源佔94.4%。本研究透過跨功能小組(CFT=Cross Functional Team),推動兩大溫室氣體減量方案,其一為Local Scrubber尾氣燃燒效率的改善,研究發現當通入純氧後,可將CF4破壞去除率可達99%以上;其二為廠區照明調整改善專案,依現場實際作業需求調整燈具數量,發現可以節省862,564(KWH)電量,降低了範疇二溫室氣體排放量。
Due to the extreme nature disasters and events occurred frequently all over the world, climate change issues have received great attention in recent years. It not only caused tremendous damage to life and property but also affected our daily lives comprehensively. The "Carbon" has become a "human security" issue. With the advance of this critical issue "Carbon", the idea of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction has been inspired greatly. Various energy saving products have become promising business models, particularly LED in the lighting field. Unfortunately, no published survey focuses exclusively on examining the emission source of greenhouse gas, the calculation of greenhouse gas, and the emission reduction in all manufacturing processes in LED industry. This research is a case study from a LED company located in the north of Taiwan by comparing the difference of greenhouse gas emissions from different manufacturing processes characteristics. Based on the life cycle of LED from raw materials to finished products, this research completely analyzes the output of the different manufacturing processes and quantities of greenhouse gases emission. The factories and process characteristics are categorized as follows: (1) A Factory: front-epitaxial (Epi), grains (Chip); (2) B Factory: middle Package (Package); (3) C Factory: posterior segment lighting module (Light Module). The research methodology is designed and based on the CNS14064-1 standard and the WBCSD / WRI GHG Protocol's proposal. In the computation of LED manufacturing processes, Epi&Chip manufacturing process accounts for 68.1% in total emissions, the middle manufacturing process of the packaging process is 11.1%, back-lighting model process accounts for 20.8%. By eliminating the scope 2 basic electrical energy consumption processes, the front Opto / LED semiconductor process manufacturing process is still the main source of greenhouse gases emissions, accounting for 94.4%. This study facilitates two greenhouse gas reduction projects by using CFT organization (CFT = Cross Functional Team). One project is the improvement of the Local Scrubber efficiency. The CF4 DRE (Destruction Removal Efficiency) efficiency was found to increase to 99% by using pure oxygen. The other project is plant lighting improvement project which saves 862,564(KWH) electricity after adjusting the lamp quantity according to actual operational demand. As a result, scope 2 greenhouse gas emission is reduced.