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dc.contributor.authorLin, Chih-Haoen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsin-Ginn Hwangen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Maio-Tsongen_US
dc.description.abstract雲端運算(CC)是一種新興的資訊科技(IT)。許多公司正考慮把IT應用從傳統方式轉換到CC架構或應用。CC採用不僅是IT單方面的考量,同時也是從戰略上的考量。有許多不同的角度來闡述的CC。其中,CC的應用可分為三種類型:公共雲,私有雲和混合雲。對於許多企業考慮到採用CC,私有雲是要考慮採用私有雲的第一步。目前在台灣高科技產業也不例外。許多公司採用私有雲採用也是從CC的開始。然而,採用私有雲確實有不僅IT部門的受到影響,同時也對其他部門,包括生產,市場,組織,財務,研發等也都會受到影響。換言之,高層主管會去考量採用CC帶來的影響。有需要進行研究,才可闡述哪些關鍵因素會影響高科技公司導入CC。本研究的目的就是探討影響採用私有雲在高科技產業的關鍵因素。 進行文獻彙整,後由資訊管理學系教授和雲端導入實務上的專家。進行了一輪專家會議,並達成共識。根據會議結論,提出初步架構,包括四個構面:組織,環境,技術和策略。在這四個構面中發展出共有15個關鍵因素。進行前測研究的結果後,建構了研究架構和調查之問卷。 行深度訪談法來收集相關數據。總計選定13公司被為研究個案。採訪對象為企業中資訊主管或是採用私有雲的負責人。分析收集到的數據結果後,資訊的成熟度,敏捷性,專案管理,以及組織規模的分數相對獲得較高的。從公開的問項中所收集的數據中得知,成本效益,安全性,企業需求,日常維護是相對重要的許多。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCloud Computing (CC) is an emerging information technology (IT). Many companies are considering converting IT applications from traditional way to CC architecture or applications. The adoption of CC is not only IT considerations, but also strategic considerations. There are many different perspectives to depict CC. Among them, applications of CC can be categorized into three types: public clouds, private clouds and hybrid clouds. For many firms considering adopting CC applications, it is always to consider adopting private clouds as the first step. There is no exception for high-tech industry in Taiwan. Many companies adopted private cloud as a beginning of adopting CC. However, the adoption of private clouds do have impacts not only in IT departments, but also have impacts on other departments, including manufacturing, marketing, organizations, finance, R&D, and so on. In other words, the adoption of CC needed to be considered by top management due to the impacts of adoption. There is a need for a research to be conducted to answer what critical factors affecting high-tech firms to consider the adoption of CC. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate key factors affecting the adoption of private clouds in high-tech industry. A comprehensive literature review was conducted, and an expert panel including both MIS professors and practical experts. One round of expert panel was conducted and reach a consensus. Based on the meeting results, an initial framework was proposed, including four dimensions: organization, environment, technology, and strategy. A total of 13 factors among these four dimensions. After the results of a pilot study, a research framework and questionnaire were presented. A in-depth interview technique was used to collect data. A total of thirteen firms were selected as cases for this study. IT managers and leaders of adopting private cloud were used as subjects of each firm to be interviewed. After analysis the results of collected data, the scores of maturity of IT, agility, and organizational size are relatively higher (important). The data collected from open question indicate that cost-effectiveness, security, business needs, daily maintenance and operation are much more important.en_US
dc.subjectCloud Computingen_US
dc.subjectPrivate Clouden_US
dc.subjectKey Success Factorsen_US
dc.subjectHigh-Tech Industryen_US
dc.titleKey Success Factors to adopt Private Cloud in High - Tech. Industryen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis