标题: | 影响青少年无照驾驶机车行为意向成因研究分析 Exploring the Factors Affecting the Intentions of Illegal Motorcycle Riding for the Adolescents in Taiwan |
作者: | 张高文 Kao-Wen Chang 张新立 Hsin-Li Chang 运输与物流管理学系 |
关键字: | 青少年;无照驾驶;机车;意向;Adolescent;Motorcycle;Illegal;Behavior Intention |
公开日期: | 2004 |
摘要: | 近年來台湾地区经济发展快速,国民生活水准不断提高,私人运具的拥有已成为民众生活上的必需品。同时,由于国内大部分地区大众运输服务之提供并不完善,导致青少年对于运输需求无法得到满足,机車的使用已成为青少年族群最主要的交通运输工具之一,然而青少年族群在法律上并无得到使用机車的授权,有鉴于目前青少年违规无照驾驶机車之情形严重,如何提供良好的服务设施及如何研拟一套较具宣导效力的宣导策略以满足青少年对运输服务及交通安全相关知識之需求属刻不容缓的课题。 本研究依据相关文献首先构筑青少年无照驾驶机車之理念架构,提出影响违规驾驶机車意向之八个构面,包括(1)自我控制能力、(2)家庭生活、(3)学校教育、(4)同侪团体、(5)社会影响、(6)法律认知与执行、(7)旅次特性与运输服务和(8)运具可获性及观感构面。并进一步利用线性结构关系模式,以台湾地区国中、高中、高职学生为实证研究对象,进行确认性因素分析与路径分析,以验证本研究所建构之模式的假设与适配性。 研究结果发现驾驶人“性别”与“年龄”对违规驾驶机車意向具显着性之影响。在模式之实验研究中则发现“自我控制能力”、“法律认知与执行”及“同侪团体”为影响国中学生无照驾驶机車意向之最重要因素;而影响高中学生依序为“旅次特性与运输服务”、“运具可获性及观感”、“法律认知与执行”;高职学生则为“运具可获性及观感”、“自我控制能力”、“法律认知与执行”。至于皆未得到验证之假设,则为社会影响对青少年无照驾驶机車意向之影响。 研究结果亦显示国内青少年族群中,使用机車最严重者为高职学生,其次为高中生,第三则为国中学生。教导高中及高职学生学会使用机車的对象以父母亲为最多,而国中学生则为自己偷偷学为最多,显見国内青少年的父母亲交通法规常識迫切的需要被教育。在交通安全宣导最容易引其学生注意的前三项分别为車祸事故案例、車祸肇事照片以及事故当事人的经验。本研究之研究成果可供有关单位在研拟交通管理策略以及遏止青少年无照驾驶机車问题上之參考。 Illegal motorcycle riding is common for the adolescents in Taiwan and brings severe motorcycle traffic safety problem to the society. This study is conducted to explore the factors that affect adolescents to ride motorcycles illegally without licenses. We started this study by developing a conceptual framework for the illegal riding motorcycler, and then formulated the relationship between the behavior intention of illegal riding and the eight developed constructs by a Structural Equation Model (SEM). A set of questionnaires was designed to collect the relevant information about the adolescents in Taiwan in order to verify the developed model. The study results showed the gender and age had significant effects on the behavior intention of illegal driving. Furthermore, the ability of self-control, punishment and enforcement to illegal driving, peer group, were also found to have significant effects on illegal driving behavioral intentions for junior high school students. The trip characteristic and transportation service, the obtainment of motorcycle, punishment and enforcement to illegal driving were found to have significant effects for senior high school students. Finally, the obtainments of motorcycle, the ability of self-control, punishment and enforcement to illegal driving were found to have significant effects for vocational high school students. However, the effect of social impact on illegal-divining behavioral intentions was not significant as expected. The study results also showed that vocational high school students have the highest rate of riding motorcycle without licenses, and senior high school students have the second highest rate. The travel demand, availability and accessibility to motorcycles, and parents’ attitude were found to be the important factors to affect adolescents’ illegal motorcycle riding. Furthermore, the appropriate channels to learn the knowledge and techniques for safe motorcycle riding are very limited, and thus the risk perception for riding motorcycle was found seriously insufficient for adolescents.Based on the findings in this study, some suggestions related to licensing, training and education, as well as enforcement are also proposed. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/77069 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |
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